What is the diff between Access and SQL Server??


I would to know the difference between access database and sql server.. I also wanna know how to convert an access database to sql server.. Help??sql server is a relational database management system (RDMS). Access is an application tool, that builds tables with some relational properties. Access doesn't scale well, and can't handle heavy loads of users or data.

To convert access tables into sql server tables, you can use the data transformation services (DTS) that come coupled with SQLserver. Pretty easy.Hi there.. well, thankx for ya help.. But hmmm.. how to use the DTS thingy..?? I mean is it in access or in sql server program.. coz as for the upsizing wizard is in access.. u know what i mean right.. so can u help me how to use the DTS..? Thankx..sqlserver is a seperate program. it doesnt come with microsoft office. you must have sqlserver installed to use its DTS package.

So, the question is: do you have sqlserver installed? if not, you will need to purchase a copy to continue.Yes i do have sql server in my laptop fren.. so howz am i going to use it.. hmm, i got a Classified.mdb(access).. this database i wanna convert it to sqlserver.. so how am i suppose to do that fren..??