what do you think of my sister?(pic)?


New Member
Keep in mind she is 8 years old,she has extremely low self-esteem,because all the white kids at her school have been picking on her calling her racial slurs and calling her ugly at this age,one time she came crying home,and she wishes she was blond and had light skin.this is her by the way.<br />
http//shearelegancebyjerry.com/db2/00193/shearelegancebyjerry.com/_uimages/DSC00338.JPG<br />
We have contacted the school Administration,and and let all the teachers know about this,but nothing has been done,Infact her previous teacher,has been encouraging this kind of behavior,we are thinking of moving.I myself have experienced this type of behavior,so I know how she feels.She is scared to go back to school.and she wants us to dye her hair and bleach her skin,of coarse we said no.But she is not letting this go.We are thinking of going somewhere where this less white people.I did not even want to post a picture,but she has been bugging me too.I am only 15 btw so I am not like old enough to be her mom.<br />


She is like the cutest kid ever )



New Member
Oh my gosh she is so pretty! I can't believe kids at her school are so mean! I don't really know how you can fix this but maybe she should go to a different school and try it out there. Good luck =)
Her hair is so pretty I love it! I have blonde hair and its not nearly that pretty D
Awwww! Why would somebody pick on her like that! thats sooo mean. But tell her she is very pretty and someday those mean people will realize it. She doesent need to bleach her skin or die her hair!


New Member
aww. thats horrible.
i think shes absoulutly adorable.
and i think its sad that she feels pressured enough to want to be blond and light skinned.

tell her she is fine the way she is. -]


New Member
you need to tell your sister that she is a beautiful little girl. don't let anyone tell her otherwise. Some white people are just mean, but make sure she knows that not all whites are like that. tell her that she should NEVER change herself so that other people will like her.

she is truly a pretty girl.


New Member
she's eight!!!
she shouldn't worry about that now.
try a different school?
if you live in a larger community that offers more, then that's be great.
She can start all over...and wouldnt have to worry about all the criticism waiting for her.
that sucksl
she looks fine for an 8-year old.


New Member
Very, very pretty little girl - she is going to be an absolute stunner when she reaches her teens too!

Tell her not to worry about the meanies, because one day she will be the one everyone looks up to, and people will wish they looked like her.

She could be a child model.


New Member
She is absolutely beautiful, one day she will grow up to a gorgeous young woman!

It's my personal opinion that you should move, becuase these kids aren't going to change, and no one should have to put up with that, especially not an eight year old girl.


New Member
aww she is such an adorable little girl, its a shame that people in that town act that way, u must live in a very traditional closed minded racist town. moving might possibly be an option although im sorry that you may have to take that drastic of measures to avoid this
be assured not all white people do feel this way tho, i think she is beautiful ^-^