Website Forms


Hi Guys,<br /><br />Being A novice im wanting to design a a form for my site where visitors can fill in infomation and then click target="_blank"> would do the job)<br /><br />Designing and coding the form is a really simple task target="_blank"><br /><br />DK.<!--content-->
submit the form to this (changing variables where appropriate):<br /><br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--><?php<br />$emailTo = "[email protected]";<br />$subject = "Contact Form";<br />$emailField = "Email_Address";<br />$message = "";<br />foreach( $_POST as $key=>$value ) {<br />  $message .= str_replace("_"," ",$key).": ".$value."\n\n";<br />}<br />$mail = mail( $emailTo, $subject, $message, "From: ".$_POST[ $emailField ] );<br />if($mail){ print "Succesfully sent mail"; } else { print "Mail Failed"; }<br />?><!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /><br />just change $emailTo, to your email address<br />and emailField to the input which corresponds to the users Email Address<br />and subject to a more appopriate subject<br />and message, you can prepend/append text><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I have created a search for you in Hotscripts. If you scroll down (Past the yellow sponsored listings) you will see contact scripts galore! In my experience it's good to go for the 5 star ratings or the 5 chilli ratings aswell. Also look how many times it's been downloaded, those 3 are good indictaors.<br /><br /><br /><br />DK.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />Thank for the reply but im looking for a software that also generates the form i.e text boxes, drop down boxes ect ect...<br />As i said im a complete novice and am using a WYSIWYG software which i find difficult to use the form section><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I really wouldnt advise that you use a prebuilt solution (if you really want to then something like <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> would do the job)<br /><br />Designing and coding the form is a really simple task once you get the basics set up and learn how to do it.<br />The PHP side is also quite simple depending on the level of validation and complexity of the form.<br /><br />What sort of information are you looking at collecting?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />It may be simple to write a PHP contact script, but you've got to take into consideration the security aspects as well. Otherwise a dirty unwashed spammer or hacker could spell disaster for your site/server.<br /><!--content-->