Post: vbseo Anti-Piracy shit
User: absinth
Infraction: Inappropriate Language
Points: 0
Administrative Note:
Message to User:
Original Post:
User: absinth
Infraction: Inappropriate Language
Points: 0
Administrative Note:
Swearing in title
Message to User:
Go read the rules swearing is not allowed.
Next time its a straight ban!
Original Post:
This is an official notice that your forum has been flagged by our Anti-Piracy Team using our SRA.Probe system. Case # 4075 has been assigned to you and will be referenced in all further communications.
Based on the evidence we have collected and verified to date, your forum is "suspected" for possible piracy (i.e. unlicensed installation) and/or a violation of the vBSEO EULA (End User License Agreement):
vBSEOâ„¢ - End User License Agreement (EULA)
There are 3 main types of violations that occur:
#1 Installing an unlicensed copy of vBSEO.
#2 Installing a new version of vBSEO after your license has expired.
#3 Removing the vBSEO copyright notice without authorization.
If you feel that you have not violated the vBSEO license agreement (EULA) and you are NOT using a pirated version of our software, please respond immediately to this email so that we can collect your information and close the case promptly without further incident.
If you ARE using an UNLICENSED copy of vBSEO, or violating our EULA in any way, we need to correct these violations immediately. Please respond so that we can solve this issue without taking further action.
YOUR RESPONSE IS EXPECTED WITHIN 48 HOURS. After that time, our Anti-Piracy Team will escalate your case and continue with further action in the interest of resolving this issue ASAP, including forwarding it to our legal department.
We take piracy very seriously. Our apologies if you were accidentally flagged. However, please let us know so that we can help stamp out unfair piracy and EULA violations together.
You can issue your response online via a pre-populated form here:
vBulletin SEO Forums
As soon as your response is received, it will be evaluated by our Anti-Piracy team, who will decide whether to close your case, or continue with the next steps of resolution.
what to do now![]()