vS-Maintenance Suite v1.0.0 NULLIFIED by vB Lider
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<script type="information">
Script Name :vS-Maintenance Suite
Script Version: v1.0.0
Nulled name : vS-Maintenance.Suite.v1.0.0.PHP.NULLIFIED-vBLider
Script type : PHP/MySQL
Supplied by : vB Lider
Nullified by : vB Lider
Tested by : vB Lider
Protection : Removed
Homepage : http://www.visionscripts.com/
Release date : 26/01/2009
<script type="description">
A set of tools to automate and speed up the performance of various tasks
for VisionScripts Products. Provides hooks that allow any application to
extend the interface with custom features.
<script type="release notes">
1. Unpack
2. Upload
3. Install
4. Enjoy
Is a maintenance package, specially designed for the purpose of maintenance of our products. It allows you to do the following things:
* Set / unset a product's usergroup-specific permissions for all usergroups at once
* Set / unset a product's forum-specific permissions for all forums at once
* Do a variety of other product-specific maintenance functions. For vS-Bug Tracker, for example, those functions include the cleanup of orphan bugs and bug responses. For vS-Invites System, those functions include resetting invite count to 0 for all users.