vMail - Verify Mail before registration


New Member
No FAKE email after Today , with this product u can make sure about your new user in your forum . without any templates edit AND files upload .
Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
Support questions from members who have not marked this as installed will be considered low priority.

Option to swithching this Addon "ON" or "OFF" .
Option to SET custom PREFIX for veify code ( to make it harder for someone to decrypt it.)
option to SET Number of days after which we will delete the verification code form the database.
in second post.
UPLOAD product from your ACP .
EDIT your vB Setting.
TheProphet said:
No FAKE email after Today , with this product u can make sure about your new user in your forum . without any templates edit AND files upload .
Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
Support questions from members who have not marked this as installed will be considered low priority.

Option to swithching this Addon "ON" or "OFF" .
Option to SET custom PREFIX for veify code ( to make it harder for someone to decrypt it.)
option to SET Number of days after which we will delete the verification code form the database.
in second post.
UPLOAD product from your ACP .
EDIT your vB Setting.

Seems like it is nice hack. Could you please show the screenshot or any website that using this hack? Thanks.
I have install this product, but I can´t find it in ACP in order to edit it.
Where can I find vmail options in acp?
zeus said:
I have install this product, but I can´t find it in ACP in order to edit it.
Where can I find vmail options in acp?

Go to your "vBulletin Options" scroll down ans select "vMail verification settings"

This helps also to prevent bots from sign up.
There is a slight problem with this Mod, you supply your Email and then goes onto the Normal Register part. If you close then Window, check your email and then come back later - you cannot get back to the part which allows you to type in info.

Built already into VB is a Verify Email anyhow - why would this be better then that method??
Mauldor said:
There is a slight problem with this Mod, you supply your Email and then goes onto the Normal Register part. If you close then Window, check your email and then come back later - you cannot get back to the part which allows you to type in info.

Built already into VB is a Verify Email anyhow - why would this be better then that method??

It would be a better method to prevent the user from registering in the first place. Maybe lets say an admin doesn't like cleaning up a lot of users who have not completed their registration through email. Thats a lot of useless 0 - post users that are most likely bots who waste the potential usage of that screenname.
User fills in there email address and waits, as long as on that screen, you can go through the reg process. if you Close / Navigate away, it is impossible for that person to then register until the time has gone by.

Using Built in Email + Mod to check for this - means there will be no "Awaiting Email" users anyhow on the system longer then 30 days.
when i installed this and then tested it out i see on registering i get a database error when i
get to the part after this >>>

To complete your registration in our forum, you have to use a valid e-mail address.
Email Address:

then its when i click Go i get the database error can anyone help out
