I have just started trying to use visual studio .net to Build aspx pages. I want to be able to have the nice dropdown lists show up when I am typing. Like in Visual Interdev when I have a Recordset and I type in objRS. a list of stuff like moveFirst, MoveNext, etc. appear for me to choose from. With .Net I cannot get these dropdowns to appear. I know in VB6 it was cause I didn't have the correct references installed. With InterDev, it just started out with what I wanted. Any ideas on how to get this to happen? It works with my VB.Net stuff, just not ASP.Net stuff.nm, I figured it outI've also got a couple of quesions about settings and the such.... do you know where you can set the colors that it will use so that I can get color coding to work in the script delimiters? I've looked, but can't find it.... thanks.<BR><BR>-Steve