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  ÛÛÛ²ÛÛ    Û    ÛÛÛÛ   Supplied by : TEAM GYSN              ÛÛÛÛ    Û    ÛÛ²ÛÛÛ
        ÛÛ      ÛÛ     Nullified by : TEAM GYSN                 ÛÛ      ÛÛ
         ÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛ³      Packaged by : TEAM GYSN                 ³ÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛ
          ³ÛÛ²Û²Û³                                              ³ÛÛ²ÛÛÛ³
          ³ÛÛ²²²³      Release Date : 10/21/2008                 ³Û²²²Û³
        ³ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ³       Disk / Size : 01x5.00MB                  ³ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ³
        ³ÛÛÛ   ÛÛ      Script Genre : Forum System               ÛÛ   ÛÛÛ³
       ³ÛÛÛ     ÛÛÛ³    Script Type : PHP/MySQL               ³Û²Û     ÛÛÛ³
       ³Û²Û Û   Û²²³   OS / Version : Unix, Linux, WinALL     ³ÛÛÛ  Û  Û²Û³
       ³Û²Û  Û   Û²³     Protection : Condom                  ³Û²  Û   Û²Û³
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[RS] vBulletin.v3.7.3.Patch.Level.1.PHP.NULLIFIED.Incl.Keygen-GYSN
[Uploaded.to] vBulletin.v3.7.3.Patch.Level.1.PHP.NULLIFIED.Incl.Keygen-GYSN
[NL] vBulletin.v3.7.3.Patch.Level.1.PHP.NULLIFIED.Incl.Keygen-GYSN
i am using vbulletin white keygen but not work keygen please put here serialnumber and custumer number for me thanks alot

this erorr
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in C:\wamp\www\clickmobile\keygen.php(1) : eval()'d code(3) : eval()'d code on line 103
yaghobn71 said:
plase put here vbulletin white chmode files to 777

If you are trying to chmod the files under win os, you may want to try using cacls.exe. I've tried it, but it wont do anything, maybe you can find the proper cacls.exe command for it.

anyone knows why i got this error msg when i try to run gysn-kg.php :

Warning: array_merge_recursive() [function.array-merge-recursive]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/public_html/board/gysn-kg.php on line 471

Anyone plzzz...
yaghobn71 said:
please try this keyjen it is work corectly for vb 3.7.3 & 3.8

View attachment 8015

enjoy it

thank you gysn

yeah, it works! i create this keygen fix yesterday, because in the previous release we has a problem with our obfuscation tool.

it's for vB 3.8.0 Beta 1 - but it also works with 3.7.3 PL1.
here is the decoded version of the keygen (for ppl who wana know whats happening in the background)

Attachment removed.
well it worked for me delete all the files (forums) and copy them again to the root dir im testing it on windows with apache 2.9 and php 5.2
The Keygen does not error. I get the custom # and license #, delete the keygen php file, and then attempt to enter the install with this information, and it doesn't go anywhere. What is wrong?
demonic said:
The Keygen does not error. I get the custom # and license #, delete the keygen php file, and then attempt to enter the install with this information, and it doesn't go anywhere. What is wrong?

THis is happening to me too. Whats wrong?