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                  ░███████          ▓█▒▒░▒▒█▓          ███████▓
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        ░██▓██████          ███ ■       ▄       ■ ███           ███▓▓▓███░
       ░██▓▓█ ███   ■■       ███                 ███        ■■   ███ █████░
      ▓███▓█       ■  ■ ::..  █                   █   ..:: ■  ■       █████▓
      ░███▓█      ■  █ ■                                  ■ █  ■      █▓███▓
       ▒█████     ■ ▀▀   ────── ────  ──── ──────  ───  ──  ▀▀ ■ ░   █▓▓██░
       ▓░██▓▓█     ■     ██▓███ ██▓█  ████│█▓████│ ▓██│ ██░   ■     █▓▓██░░
         ░░█▓▓█     ■  │█████▓██ ███  ███ │████▓▓│ ██▓│ █▓│  ■     ████▓░
           ░█▓█  ▄░ ■  │▓██░      ██████  │██░     ███│ ██│  ■     █▓█▓
           ▒████    ░  │███│███   ░▓█▓█│  │▓█████│ ██░█ █▓│  ░    █▓██░
           ▓█████   ■  │███│█████ │████│  │██████│ █▓│▓░██│  ■   ██▓██░
            ▒██▓▓   ■  │█▓█░  █▓█ │█▓██│       ▓█│ ██│████│  ■   █▓▓█▓
             ░██▓█  ░  │█████████ │████│  │█▓████│ ▓█│ █▓█│  ░  █▓▓█▓
              ░█▓█  │     ███▓██  │██▓█░  │████▓█░ ██░ ███│  │  ▓▓█▓
              ▒█▓▓█ │     ──────   ────    ──────  ──  ───   │ ████░
              ░██▓█ │ ▄▄ ■.GiVE....YOU..SOMETHiNG...NEW.■ ▄▄ │ ████▓
               ░█▓██ ■█ ■        ▀░▄                     ■ █■ ████▓
                ▓███  ▄■                                  ■▄  ███░
             █▓██░███                                        ███▓█▓██
           ██▓█     █     vBulletin 3.7.1 Patch Level 2      █    ██▓██
         ██▓██      █                                        █      ██▓██
       ██▓██   ███ █▓    (c) Jelsoft Enterprises Limited     ▓█ ███   ██▓██
     ██▓██    ██   █▓█                                      ▓▓█   ██    ██▓██
    █▓██     ██      █  ████▓▓▒░  Release Infomation ░░░    █      ██     ██▓█
   ███      ██      ██                                      ██      ██      █▓█
  ███▓██    █    ████   Supplied by : TEAM GYSN              ████    █    ██▓███
        ██      ██     Nullified by : TEAM GYSN                 ██      ██
         ███  ███│      Packaged by : TEAM GYSN                 │███  ███
          │██▓█▓█│                                              │██▓███│
          │██▓▓▓│      Release Date : 09/02/2008                 │█▓▓▓█│
        │███████│       Disk / Size : 01x5.00MB                  │███████│
        │███   ██      Script Genre : Forum System               ██   ███│
       │███     ███│    Script Type : PHP/MySQL               │█▓█     ███│
       │█▓█ █   █▓▓│   OS / Version : Unix, Linux, WinALL     │███  █  █▓█│
       │█▓█  █   █▓│     Protection : Condom                  │█▓  █   █▓█│
       │█▓▓█     ███│                                        │█▓█     █▓▓█│
       │██▓▓█     ██│   ████▓▓▒░      Overview       ░░░     │█▓     █▓▓██│
         ███████  ▓█│                                        │██  ███████
           ████▓████│                                        │█████████
             ███▓██                                            ██▓▓██
                ▓█│                                            │█▓
                ██│ vBulletin« gets people talking.            │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ It gives you an instant community that     │██
                ██│ lets your visitors interact, take part     │██
                ██│ in discussions, ask questions, give        │██
                ██│ answers and express opinions.              │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ vBulletin is a professional, affordable    │██
                ██│ community forum solution. Thousands of     │██
                ██│ clients, including many industry           │██
                ██│ leading blue chip companies, have          │██
                ██│ chosen vBulletin - It's the ideal          │██
                ██│ choice for any size of community.          │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ Making your site a hub for information     │██
                ██│ and discussion encourages visitors to      │██
                ██│ return again and again. It's also a        │██
                ██│ highly effective way of improving your     │██
                ██│ service to customers or users of your      │██
                ██│ website. Our dedicated development team    │██
                ██│ constantly strives to keep vBulletin at    │██
                ██│ the forefront of new Internet              │██
                ██│ innovations, while always keeping an       │██
                ██│ eye on security and performance.           │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│         http://www.vbulletin.com           │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│     ████▓▓▒░    Release Notes    ░░░       │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ 1. Unpack                                  │██
                ██│ 2. Read vb3_readme.html/txt                │██
                ██│ 3. Enjoy!                                  │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ │██
                ██│ │ GYSN IS A WEB-BASED GROUP AND DOES NOT │ │██
                ██│ │    ALLOW ANYONE TO REDISTRIBUTE OUR    │ │██
                ██│ │     RELEASES OR ANY PARTS OF THEM      │ │██
          ████  ██│ │  IN THE 0DAY SCENE OR OTHER NETWORKS!  │ │██  ████
        ▓▓▓▓███▓██│ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ │██ █████▓█
       █▓██  ▓█▓██│                                            │██▓▓█  █▓▓▓
      ███    ▓▓▓█        ████▓▓▒░    Group Contact    ░░░        ▓▓██    █▓█
     ███   █  ██                                                  ██  █   ▓▓█
   │███  ████                WebHQ : http://GYSN.org                 ████  █▓█│
   │██   ███▓▓█             E-Mail : N/A                           █▓▓▓██   ██│
   │██  ██ ██▓▓█               IRC : N/A                          █▓▓██ ██  ██│
   │███ ██  ██▓▓█                                                ██▓██  ██ ███│
    │██  ██  █▓▓███    ████▓▓▒░  vBulletin Underground  ░░░    ███▓██  ██  ██│
    │███  ███████████                                        █▓█████████  ███│
      ███   █████ █████  Providing the best nulls, hacks,  █▓▓▓█   ▓▓█   ▓▓█
       ███   ██│    █▓▓█   skins and support since 2005!  ████     ██   █▓█
        ███████│     █▓██                                ████      ████▓▓█
         ████│        ████│     Visit: vBTEAM.info     │████        │████
          ███│         ███│                            │███         │███
       ████             ██│                            │██             ████
      ███               │██│                          │██│  phx^CiP      ███
    │█▓█                │██│                          │██│                ▓▓█│
    │▓█                   █│ ■                      ■ │█                   ▓█│
                           █  ■                    ■  █
                            ■■                      ■■

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I saw it on GYSN and I really didn't get it. Why release an old version if there are already newer versions available?
Kfir said:
I saw it on GYSN and I really didn't get it. Why release an old version if there are already newer versions available?

Because some of us like myself collect all versions of all groups and some members may only trust GYSN :)