

New Member
Well here is a Version of RC1. I don't know if this Version is clean......

I hope you like it....

                                    __  .__              ____  ___
                ______ ____   _____/  |_|__| ____   ____ \   \/  /
               /  ___// __ \_/ ___\   __\  |/  _ \ /    \ \     / 
               \___ \\  ___/\  \___|  | |  (  <_> )   |  \/     \ 
         __ __/____  >\___  >\___  >__| |__|\____/|___|  /___/\  \__ __
      .:'          \/     \/     \/                    \/      \_/     `:.
 .--+-.                            .presents.                            .-+--.
 `--' :                                                                  : `--'
      |                       vBulletin v3.7.0 RC1                       |
      |                                                                  |
      |                           .release info.                         |
      |                                                                  |
      |                      rls date  .  22/03/2008                     |
      |                      platform  .  PHP                            |
      |                          type  .  NULL                           |
      |                                                                  |
      |                          .release notes.                         |
      |                                                                  |
      |                             1. Unpack                            |
      |                             2. Upload                            |
      |                             3. Enjoy                             |
      |                                ;)                                |
      |                                                                  |
      |                           .live demo.                            |
      |.                                                                .|
      `: .-.               http://www.vbulletin.com/                .-. :'
       `-+-'  __ ________ _ ___                  ___ _ ________ __  `-+-'
         :  .-'//'           `(__              __)'           `\\`-.  :
        .`--'                   )\_.grp info._/(                   `--'.
       :                                                                :
      .:          sectionX is a new group which is focusing on          :.
      |`             web templates/scripts/anything related             '|
      |                                                                  |
      |             we are always looking for members and sites          |
      |                   contact us at [email protected]                |
      |                                                                  |
      |.                        greetings to all                        .|
      `: .-.                                                        .-. :'
       `-+-'  __ ________ _ ___                  ___ _ ________ __  `-+-'
         :  .-'//'           `(__              __)'           `\\`-.  :
         `--'                   )\_.sectionX._/(                   `--'

crazygamerz said:
what do you mean by you dont know if its clean, am upgrating from 3.7 beta 6 to 3.7 RC1

well let you know if it works

SpeedRazors said:

Read This.... install these releases on your own risk, if jelsoft finds out its you own big problem... so my tip, Don't download this release to be save and wait till GYSN or DGT will release one.

^^^^^ thanks SpeedRazors, this is what i meant crazygamerz ^^^^^

i don't use any other releases other than GYSN
crazygamerz said:
works 100% so what can happen no one knows about my forum

sure it works that is not the problem lol... but did you check ALL php files if all callbacks to vbulletin and all other stuff to null it has been removed ??? no you don't, it works lol that for sure but what build in boobytrap or callback or else hasn't been removed from the php files and hasn't been nulled right....

On they other thing nobody knows your site ;) if not proper nulled jelsoft will find you how hidden your forum is...

crazygamerz said:
works 100% so what can happen no one knows about my forum

if you feel vbulletin isn't aware of vbteam.info then your very much mistaken lol so wouldn't it make sense for them to release a copy with callbacks into the scene under a groups name to make it look good to catch a lot of forums out. Please unless this new group grows into a trustworthy group then only use GYSN
sX has already released a lot of Template Monster, Joomla Arts Templates.....

I think you can trust in them. What i meant is that i don't know how well they null.
s3PP3L said:
sX has already released a lot of Template Monster, Joomla Arts Templates.....

I think you can trust in them. What i meant is that i don't know how well they null.

i know who sX are but i have never seen them release a vbulletin script and its that which set alarm bells ringing in my mind, use at you pearl ;)
Just for the record Section X releases are backed by DGT! They release them on DGTs site! And if I'm not mistaken they are a branch of DGT!!!
Haven't seen an 'sX' version yet, I'll test this out. (But you'll never know - it could be better than GYSNs releases.)

Thanks anyway.