
nexia said:
if i see some other moron release vBulletin NULLIFIED with a KEYGEN...

if the script is nullified, you do not need any keygen.. or the hacker is a complete moron... it's a single line edit...

Nullifying vBulletin is a simple line edit to make it nullified... all versions above 3.1 ...

2 lines edits to deactivate the call-home, 1 edit to disable the authentication on install/update...

Don't mean to sound rude, but you're an idiot.

Nulled version removes callhome. Keygen version removes call home "plus" it places a licence key in all your vBulletin files in the header in the comments section just like a legitimate version of vB.

True the Lic No won't let you log-in to vBulletin etc, but what it's for is if your host or someone working on your site looks at your source code it appears to be a legitimate and licensed version of vBulletin because your files are all stamped with a licence number.

If you are using a dedicated server or are sure nobody will be viewing your files source code just use nulled. If you are on a shared cPanel and feel your host may go looking in your directories, or plan on having a stranger work on your site you may be better off using keygen version.

For some odd reason this keeps popping up on my installation

Database error in vBulletin :

Invalid SQL:

PRIMARY KEY userid (userid, forumid)

MySQL Error : Table 'access' already exists
Error Number : 1050
Date : Thursday, January 31st 2008 @ 08:26:07 PM
Script : http://tokusatsupower.freehostia.com/install/install.php?step=3
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vb_database
MySQL Version : 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge7-log
if i see some other moron release vBulletin NULLIFIED with a KEYGEN...

if the script is nullified, you do not need any keygen.. or the hacker is a complete moron... it's a single line edit...

Nullifying vBulletin is a simple line edit to make it nullified... all versions above 3.1 ...

2 lines edits to deactivate the call-home, 1 edit to disable the authentication on install/update...

So what if you nullify vb well? They have hired agents who searches vbulletin and check their database whether such the domain is registered or not then they contact you host and host will suspend your account this is what i have faced last week.
░███████          ▓█▒▒░▒▒█▓          ███████▓
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           ░░██▓████    ███▓██          ■          ██▓███     ██▓████▓▓
         ░▒█████▓▓█   ░   ██▓█    .,-   ■   -,.    █▓▓█        ████████░▓
        ▓██████▓▓█        █████  ■      ▄      ■  ██▓██         █▓▓▓▓▓███░
        ░██▓██████          ███ ■       ▄       ■ ███           ███▓▓▓███░
       ░██▓▓█ ███   ■■       ███                 ███        ■■   ███ █████░
      ▓███▓█       ■  ■ ::..  █                   █   ..:: ■  ■       █████▓
      ░███▓█      ■  █ ■                                  ■ █  ■      █▓███▓
       ▒█████     ■ ▀▀   ────── ────  ──── ──────  ───  ──  ▀▀ ■ ░   █▓▓██░
       ▓░██▓▓█     ■     ██▓███ ██▓█  ████│█▓████│ ▓██│ ██░   ■     █▓▓██░░
         ░░█▓▓█     ■  │█████▓██ ███  ███ │████▓▓│ ██▓│ █▓│  ■     ████▓░
           ░█▓█  ▄░ ■  │▓██░      ██████  │██░     ███│ ██│  ■     █▓█▓
           ▒████    ░  │███│███   ░▓█▓█│  │▓█████│ ██░█ █▓│  ░    █▓██░
           ▓█████   ■  │███│█████ │████│  │██████│ █▓│▓░██│  ■   ██▓██░
            ▒██▓▓   ■  │█▓█░  █▓█ │█▓██│       ▓█│ ██│████│  ■   █▓▓█▓
             ░██▓█  ░  │█████████ │████│  │█▓████│ ▓█│ █▓█│  ░  █▓▓█▓
              ░█▓█  │     ███▓██  │██▓█░  │████▓█░ ██░ ███│  │  ▓▓█▓
              ▒█▓▓█ │     ──────   ────    ──────  ──  ───   │ ████░
              ░██▓█ │ ▄▄ ■.GiVE....YOU..SOMETHiNG...NEW.■ ▄▄ │ ████▓
               ░█▓██ ■█ ■        ▀░▄                     ■ █■ ████▓
                ▓███  ▄■                                  ■▄  ███░
             █▓██░███                                        ███▓█▓██
           ██▓█     █        vBulletin 3.7.0 Beta 4          █    ██▓██
         ██▓██      █                                        █      ██▓██
       ██▓██   ███ █▓    (c) Jelsoft Enterprises Limited     ▓█ ███   ██▓██
     ██▓██    ██   █▓█                                      ▓▓█   ██    ██▓██
    █▓██     ██      █  ████▓▓▒░  Release Infomation ░░░    █      ██     ██▓█
   ███      ██      ██                                      ██      ██      █▓█
  ███▓██    █    ████   Supplied by : TEAM GYSN              ████    █    ██▓███
        ██      ██     Nullified by : TEAM GYSN                 ██      ██
         ███  ███│      Packaged by : TEAM GYSN                 │███  ███
          │██▓█▓█│                                              │██▓███│
          │██▓▓▓│      Release Date : 01/22/2008                 │█▓▓▓█│
        │███████│       Disk / Size : 01x3.00MB                  │███████│
        │███   ██      Script Genre : Forum System               ██   ███│
       │███     ███│    Script Type : PHP/MySQL               │█▓█     ███│
       │█▓█ █   █▓▓│   OS / Version : Unix, Linux, WinALL     │███  █  █▓█│
       │█▓█  █   █▓│     Protection : same shit/different day │█▓  █   █▓█│
       │█▓▓█     ███│                                        │█▓█     █▓▓█│
       │██▓▓█     ██│   ████▓▓▒░      Overview       ░░░     │█▓     █▓▓██│
         ███████  ▓█│                                        │██  ███████
           ████▓████│                                        │█████████
             ███▓██                                            ██▓▓██
                ▓█│                                            │█▓
                ██│ vBulletin« gets people talking.            │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ It gives you an instant community that     │██
                ██│ lets your visitors interact, take part     │██
                ██│ in discussions, ask questions, give        │██
                ██│ answers and express opinions.              │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ vBulletin is a professional, affordable    │██
                ██│ community forum solution. Thousands of     │██
                ██│ clients, including many industry           │██
                ██│ leading blue chip companies, have          │██
                ██│ chosen vBulletin - It's the ideal          │██
                ██│ choice for any size of community.          │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ Making your site a hub for information     │██
                ██│ and discussion encourages visitors to      │██
                ██│ return again and again. It's also a        │██
                ██│ highly effective way of improving your     │██
                ██│ service to customers or users of your      │██
                ██│ website. Our dedicated development team    │██
                ██│ constantly strives to keep vBulletin at    │██
                ██│ the forefront of new Internet              │██
                ██│ innovations, while always keeping an       │██
                ██│ eye on security and performance.           │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│         http://www.vbulletin.com           │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│     ████▓▓▒░    Release Notes    ░░░       │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ 1. Unpack                                  │██
                ██│ 2. Read vb3_readme.html/txt                │██
                ██│ 3. Enjoy!                                  │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ │██
                ██│ │ GYSN IS A WEB-BASED GROUP AND DOES NOT │ │██
                ██│ │    ALLOW ANYONE TO REDISTRIBUTE OUR    │ │██
                ██│ │     RELEASES OR ANY PARTS OF THEM      │ │██
          ████  ██│ │  IN THE 0DAY SCENE OR OTHER NETWORKS!  │ │██  ████
        ▓▓▓▓███▓██│ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ │██ █████▓█
       █▓██  ▓█▓██│                                            │██▓▓█  █▓▓▓
      ███    ▓▓▓█        ████▓▓▒░    Group Contact    ░░░        ▓▓██    █▓█
     ███   █  ██                                                  ██  █   ▓▓█
   │███  ████                WebHQ : http://GYSN.org                 ████  █▓█│
   │██   ███▓▓█             E-Mail : GYSN@hushmail.com             █▓▓▓██   ██│
   │██  ██ ██▓▓█               IRC : ask nicely ;)                █▓▓██ ██  ██│
   │███ ██  ██▓▓█                                                ██▓██  ██ ███│
    │██  ██  █▓▓███    ████▓▓▒░  vBulletin Underground  ░░░    ███▓██  ██  ██│
    │███  ███████████                                        █▓█████████  ███│
      ███   █████ █████  Providing the best nulls, hacks,  █▓▓▓█   ▓▓█   ▓▓█
       ███   ██│    █▓▓█   skins and support since 2005!  ████     ██   █▓█
        ███████│     █▓██                                ████      ████▓▓█
         ████│        ████│     Visit: vBTEAM.info     │████        │████
          ███│         ███│                            │███         │███
       ████             ██│                            │██             ████
      ███               │██│                          │██│  phx^CiP      ███
    │█▓█                │██│                          │██│                ▓▓█│
    │▓█                   █│ ■                      ■ │█                   ▓█│
                           █  ■                    ■  █
                            ■■                      ■■

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REMOVED read the rules
I need help guys. Since I installed beta3 and now beta4 my smilies and arrangement text tools, bb code or just all thread tools are not working... It's seams like they are frozen...
When I click on some smiley when posting a thread or replaying it and when I click some smiley or for example if I wanna bold or center the text nothing happen, smiley won't add into the text field and tools are not working ...
Help please ...
outlaw said:
i need to upgrade from 3.6.8 but its asking about the customer number what i have to do help me plz ..

upload all the files, chmod the files to 777, use the keygen (gysn-kg.php) then chmod the files back...and install the script (do not do a fresh install, simply upgrade it)

i did the same thing (upgraded from 3.6.8 to and it worked perfectly...

just read the instructions :)
I need help guys. Since I installed beta3 and now beta4 my smilies and arrangement text tools, bb code or just all thread tools are not working... It's seams like they are frozen...
When I click on some smiley when posting a thread or replaying it and when I click some smiley or for example if I wanna bold or center the text nothing happen, smiley won't add into the text field and tools are not working ...
Help please ...

Can anyone help with this guys ?
Alexik said:
upload all the files, chmod the files to 777, use the keygen (gysn-kg.php) then chmod the files back...and install the script (do not do a fresh install, simply upgrade it)

i did the same thing (upgraded from 3.6.8 to and it worked perfectly...

just read the instructions :)

Thank You Man Its Working Now :)