vBulletin Project Tools v2.0 NULLIFIED by vB Lider

vB Lider

New Member
vBulletin Project Tools v2.0 NULLIFIED by vB Lider
         ____    _      _     _           
        |  _ \  | |    (_)   | |          
 __   __| |_) | | |     _  __| | ___ _ __ 
 \ \ / /|  _ <  | |    | |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
  \ V / | |_) | | |____| | (_| |  __/ |   
   \_/  |____/  |______|_|\__,_|\___|_|
<script information>
Script Name   : vBulletin Project Tools
Script Version: v2.0
Nulled name   : vBulletin_Blog_v2.0_NULLIFIED_vB_Lider
Script type   : PHP/MySQL
Supplied by   : vB Lider                                          
Nullified by  : vB Lider                                    
Tested by     : vB Lider                                      
Protection    : Removed
Homepage      : http://www.vbulletin.com/
Demo          : http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/project.php
Release date  : 01/01/2009                                    
Price         : $60 USD
Your Price    : $0
</script information>                            

<script description>
vBulletin Project Tools is a versatile
add-on product that enhances vBulletin
with project management functionality,
empowering your community members to
create projects, contribute to tasks,
submit issues and view progress of
projects. Seamless integration with
vBulletin ensures maximum usability,
and an administration suite within the
vBulletin control panel allows full
customization of projects, issues,
tasks and user permissions.
Ideal for any community that shares a
common goal - from developing software,
keeping track of servers, writing a
play, exhibiting at a trade show or
building a car!
</script description>

<script release notes>
1. Unpack
2. Upload
3. Install
3. Enjoy 
</script release notes>


[RS] http://rapidshare.com/files/178894772/vBulletin_Project_Tools_v2.0_NULLIFIED_vB_Lider.zip.html
[MU] http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=XKOQYNWJ
[MS] http://d01.megashares.com/?d01=5f3b8ee
[Uploaded.to] http://uploaded.to/?id=7h3dxa
[NL] http://netload.in/datei05omnEMcdb/vBulletin_Project_Tools_v2.0_NULLIFIED_vB_Lider.zip.htm
vB Lider said:
vBulletin Project Tools v2.0 NULLIFIED by vB Lider
         ____    _      _     _           
        |  _ \  | |    (_)   | |          
 __   __| |_) | | |     _  __| | ___ _ __ 
 \ \ / /|  _ <  | |    | |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
  \ V / | |_) | | |____| | (_| |  __/ |   
   \_/  |____/  |______|_|\__,_|\___|_|
<script information>
Script Name   : vBulletin Project Tools
Script Version: v2.0
Nulled name   : vBulletin_Blog_v2.0_NULLIFIED_vB_Lider
Script type   : PHP/MySQL
Supplied by   : vB Lider                                          
Nullified by  : vB Lider                                    
Tested by     : vB Lider                                      
Protection    : Removed
Homepage      : http://www.vbulletin.com/
Demo          : http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/project.php
Release date  : 01/01/2009                                    
Price         : $60 USD
Your Price    : $0
</script information>                            

<script description>
vBulletin Project Tools is a versatile
add-on product that enhances vBulletin
with project management functionality,
empowering your community members to
create projects, contribute to tasks,
submit issues and view progress of
projects. Seamless integration with
vBulletin ensures maximum usability,
and an administration suite within the
vBulletin control panel allows full
customization of projects, issues,
tasks and user permissions.
Ideal for any community that shares a
common goal - from developing software,
keeping track of servers, writing a
play, exhibiting at a trade show or
building a car!
</script description>

<script release notes>
1. Unpack
2. Upload
3. Install
3. Enjoy 
</script release notes>


[RS] RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
[MU] MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
[MS] Megashares - Drag. Drop. Yup. The first site to provide FREE file hosting with drag n drop support.
[Uploaded.to] uploaded.to - Free File Hosting, Free Image Hosting, Free Music Hosting, Free Video Hosting, ...
[NL] Netload Serious Filehosting - Netload
Thanks much mate.