vBulletin Gift Product

The first thing i done was read the instructions ! I have installed it all, Done the code edits & what not, Its setting the gifts i cant do ...

--- How to set ---

Set your settings on the admin cp
Add gifts as follows:


-Name of the gift: Beer
-Description of gift: Beer in a glass
-Choose category: drinks
-enter url (images/gifts/drinks/4873992.gif)

--- /How to set ---

Where do i do this ? I dont have the option in my admin tools.
Its nice hack, i have installed but doesn't work for me because my forum's database has a table prefix, its "community_" so i am just getting database errors.

please anyone can help me?

This is a very nice hack now i have tweaked it to my likings !
I have found some good "Gifts" over at
but you have to download the right size 64x64 .png singly, If anyone finds any nice packs please share.
chaotic_geo said:
Manually add the prefix to the created tables using something like phpmyadmin.
I don't know how to do this, can you guide me?

I think vbTeam staff can edit and re-release the fixed product with database table prefix support.
K3V said:
This is a very nice hack now i have tweaked it to my likings !
I have found some good "Gifts" over at
but you have to download the right size 64x64 .png singly, If anyone finds any nice packs please share.

Its a nice hack alright. That's why it's $35. I wonder if anyone can support this hack? for free of course.
I can help... whats the issue?

This guy did a nice job on the hack- you really ought to send him something (I know you won't pay full price, but a donation of some type would be appreciated) :)

PS... just go to facebook and lift their gifts.... there are 814.
Hi all!

I made code wich work perfectly at moment with vb_ tables prefix.

You can modify for your own prefix:
Replace with text editor all instances of vb_ on your own prefix, in next files:

micky13 said:
If anyone wants to see this up and running,

i'll be adding more gifts soon...

you need to register to view so this is just spamming, also you shouldn't post your url here if you boards nulled
i changed the permissions for guests so they can view it, but it still doesn't load for guests.

edit: could you remove the URL from your post? thanks.
Can someone help... everything installed perfectly on the front and back on a 3.6.8 board...., the only thing is in the memberinfo, this $blocks[gifts] does not work.

I also tried $gifts and that doesn't work either. How can I get this to show in the memberinfo? Thanks.
how can i show giftid as which gift on my forum?
<td class="$bgclass" align="center">
<span class="{$Style['small']}">$row[sender] sent a $row[giftid] to $row[recipient], send <a href="/forum/gifts.php">gifts</a></span>

obviously gift id comes out as a number - i would like it printed as the actual gift name

can some one help please
Database error in vBulletin 3.7.3:

Invalid SQL:

		gifts.gifttypeid, gifts.giftid, gifts.comment, gifts.message,
		gifts.private, gifts.recipient, gifts.recipientid, gifts.sender,
		gifts.senderid, gift_type.image
	FROM vb_gifts AS gifts
	LEFT JOIN vb_gift_type AS gift_type ON(gifts.gifttypeid = gift_type.gifttypeid)
	WHERE recipientid = 1136
	ORDER BY dateline DESC

MySQL Error   : Table 'discussdb.vb_gifts' doesn't exist
Error Number  : 1146
Request Date  : Sunday, November 9th 2008 @ 03:22:36 PM
Error Date    : Sunday, November 9th 2008 @ 03:22:36 PM
Script        : http://www.maximum-jackson.com/discussion/member.php?u=1136
Referrer      : http://www.maximum-jackson.com/discussion/index.php
IP Address    : xx.xx.xx.xxx
Username      : smooth-c
Classname     : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45-log

Any ideas?
Because you have installed that Product with a Table_Prefix in your Database.
Pls check it in config.php and the gifts_product.xml