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░█▓█ ▄░ ■ │▓██░ ██████ │██░ ███│ ██│ ■ █▓█▓
▒████ ░ │███│███ ░▓█▓█│ │▓█████│ ██░█ █▓│ ░ █▓██░
▓█████ ■ │███│█████ │████│ │██████│ █▓│▓░██│ ■ ██▓██░
▒██▓▓ ■ │█▓█░ █▓█ │█▓██│ ▓█│ ██│████│ ■ █▓▓█▓
░██▓█ ░ │█████████ │████│ │█▓████│ ▓█│ █▓█│ ░ █▓▓█▓
░█▓█ │ ███▓██ │██▓█░ │████▓█░ ██░ ███│ │ ▓▓█▓
▒█▓▓█ │ ────── ──── ────── ── ─── │ ████░
░██▓█ │ ▄▄ ■.GiVE....YOU..SOMETHiNG...NEW.■ ▄▄ │ ████▓
░█▓██ ■█ ■ ▀░▄ ■ █■ ████▓
▓███ ▄■ ■▄ ███░
█▓██░███ ███▓█▓██
██▓█ █ vBulletin Blog 1.0.2 █ ██▓██
██▓██ █ █ ██▓██
██▓██ ███ █▓ (c) Jelsoft Enterprises Limited ▓█ ███ ██▓██
██▓██ ██ █▓█ ▓▓█ ██ ██▓██
█▓██ ██ █ ████▓▓▒░ Release Infomation ░░░ █ ██ ██▓█
███ ██ ██ ██ ██ █▓█
███▓██ █ ████ Supplied by : TEAM GYSN ████ █ ██▓███
██ ██ Nullified by : TEAM GYSN ██ ██
███ ███│ Packaged by : TEAM GYSN │███ ███
│██▓█▓█│ │██▓███│
│██▓▓▓│ Release Date : 10/18/2007 │█▓▓▓█│
│███████│ Disk / Size : 01x1.04MB │███████│
│███ ██ Script Genre : Add-On ██ ███│
│███ ███│ Script Type : PHP/MySQL │█▓█ ███│
│█▓█ █ █▓▓│ OS / Version : Unix, Linux, WinALL │███ █ █▓█│
│█▓█ █ █▓│ Protection : strange stuff! │█▓ █ █▓█│
│█▓▓█ ███│ │█▓█ █▓▓█│
│██▓▓█ ██│ ████▓▓▒░ Overview ░░░ │█▓ █▓▓██│
███████ ▓█│ │██ ███████
████▓████│ │█████████
███▓██ ██▓▓██
▓█│ │█▓
██│ vBulletin Blog is a fully-featured │██
██│ blogging add-on that enables community │██
██│ members to create their very own online │██
██│ blogs within vBulletin. Giving members │██
██│ a place to post thoughts, ideas and │██
██│ musings will keep users returning to │██
██│ advanced administration features allow │██
██│ forum owners and moderators to keep │██
██│ control and integrate Blog into │██
██│ vBulletinÆs existing look and feel. │██
██│ │██
██│ │██
██│ │██
██│ │██
██│ ████▓▓▒░ Release Notes ░░░ │██
██│ │██
██│ 1. Unpack │██
██│ 2. Upload the contents of the upload/ │██
██│ directory within the zip on top of your │██
██│ existing vBulletin directory. │██
██│ This is the directory with │██
██│ forumdisplay.php and many other files │██
██│ in it. │██
██│ 3. Log into your vBulletin forum's │██
██│ control panel. Go to Plugins & Products │██
██│ > Manage Products > Add/Import Product │██
██│ 4. In the Import the XML file from your │██
██│ server field, enter: │██
██│ ./includes/xml/product-vbblog.xml │██
██│ Change Allow Overwrite to yes. │██
██│ 5. Click Import. │██
██│ 6. Enjoy! │██
██│ │██
████ ██│ │██ ████
▓▓▓▓███▓██│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ │██ █████▓█
█▓██ ▓█▓██│ │ GYSN IS A WEB-BASED GROUP AND DOES NOT │ │██▓▓█ █▓▓▓
███ █ ██ │ RELEASES OR ANY PARTS OF THEM │ ██ █ ▓▓█
│███ ████ │ IN THE 0DAY SCENE OR OTHER NETWORKS! │ ████ █▓█│
│██ ███▓▓█ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ █▓▓▓██ ██│
│██ ██ ██▓▓█ █▓▓██ ██ ██│
│███ ██ ██▓▓█ ████▓▓▒░ Group Contact ░░░ ██▓██ ██ ███│
│██ ██ █▓▓███ ███▓██ ██ ██│
│███ ███████████ WebHQ : █▓█████████ ███│
███ █████ █████ Redirect : █▓▓▓█ ▓▓█ ▓▓█
███ ██│ █▓▓█ ████ ██ █▓█
███████│ █▓██ E-Mail : ████ ████▓▓█
████│ ████│ IRC : ask nicely ;) │████ │████
███│ ███│ │███ │███
████ ██│ │██ ████
███ │██│ │██│ phx^CiP ███
│█▓█ │██│ │██│ ▓▓█│
│▓█ █│ ■ ■ │█ ▓█│
█ ■ ■ █
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