

New Member
                  ░███████          ▓█▒▒░▒▒█▓          ███████▓
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                 ▒████▓█▓▓██     ██     █     ██     ██▓█████▓▓█░
               ▓▓█████████▓▓    █    ₧  █  ₧    █    █▓▓██████▓▓█░
             ▒░ ░████    ██▓█ ██      ■   ■      ██ █▓▓█     ██▓▓▓░▓░
           ░░██▓████    ███▓██          ■          ██▓███     ██▓████▓▓
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        ▓██████▓▓█        █████  ■      ▄      ■  ██▓██         █▓▓▓▓▓███░
        ░██▓██████          ███ ■       ▄       ■ ███           ███▓▓▓███░
       ░██▓▓█ ███   ■■       ███                 ███        ■■   ███ █████░
      ▓███▓█       ■  ■ ::..  █                   █   ..:: ■  ■       █████▓
      ░███▓█      ■  █ ■                                  ■ █  ■      █▓███▓
       ▒█████     ■ ▀▀   ────── ────  ──── ──────  ───  ──  ▀▀ ■ ░   █▓▓██░
       ▓░██▓▓█     ■     ██▓███ ██▓█  ████│█▓████│ ▓██│ ██░   ■     █▓▓██░░
         ░░█▓▓█     ■  │█████▓██ ███  ███ │████▓▓│ ██▓│ █▓│  ■     ████▓░
           ░█▓█  ▄░ ■  │▓██░      ██████  │██░     ███│ ██│  ■     █▓█▓
           ▒████    ░  │███│███   ░▓█▓█│  │▓█████│ ██░█ █▓│  ░    █▓██░
           ▓█████   ■  │███│█████ │████│  │██████│ █▓│▓░██│  ■   ██▓██░
            ▒██▓▓   ■  │█▓█░  █▓█ │█▓██│       ▓█│ ██│████│  ■   █▓▓█▓
             ░██▓█  ░  │█████████ │████│  │█▓████│ ▓█│ █▓█│  ░  █▓▓█▓
              ░█▓█  │     ███▓██  │██▓█░  │████▓█░ ██░ ███│  │  ▓▓█▓
              ▒█▓▓█ │     ──────   ────    ──────  ──  ───   │ ████░
              ░██▓█ │ ▄▄ ■.GiVE....YOU..SOMETHiNG...NEW.■ ▄▄ │ ████▓
               ░█▓██ ■█ ■        ▀░▄                     ■ █■ ████▓
                ▓███  ▄■                                  ■▄  ███░
             █▓██░███                                        ███▓█▓██
           ██▓█     █         vBulletin Blog 1.0.2           █    ██▓██
         ██▓██      █                                        █      ██▓██
       ██▓██   ███ █▓    (c) Jelsoft Enterprises Limited     ▓█ ███   ██▓██
     ██▓██    ██   █▓█                                      ▓▓█   ██    ██▓██
    █▓██     ██      █  ████▓▓▒░  Release Infomation ░░░    █      ██     ██▓█
   ███      ██      ██                                      ██      ██      █▓█
  ███▓██    █    ████   Supplied by : TEAM GYSN              ████    █    ██▓███
        ██      ██     Nullified by : TEAM GYSN                 ██      ██
         ███  ███│      Packaged by : TEAM GYSN                 │███  ███
          │██▓█▓█│                                              │██▓███│
          │██▓▓▓│      Release Date : 10/18/2007                 │█▓▓▓█│
        │███████│       Disk / Size : 01x1.04MB                  │███████│
        │███   ██      Script Genre : Add-On                     ██   ███│
       │███     ███│    Script Type : PHP/MySQL               │█▓█     ███│
       │█▓█ █   █▓▓│   OS / Version : Unix, Linux, WinALL     │███  █  █▓█│
       │█▓█  █   █▓│     Protection : strange stuff!          │█▓  █   █▓█│
       │█▓▓█     ███│                                        │█▓█     █▓▓█│
       │██▓▓█     ██│   ████▓▓▒░      Overview       ░░░     │█▓     █▓▓██│
         ███████  ▓█│                                        │██  ███████
           ████▓████│                                        │█████████
             ███▓██                                            ██▓▓██
                ▓█│                                            │█▓
                ██│ vBulletin Blog is a fully-featured         │██
                ██│ blogging add-on that enables community     │██
                ██│ members to create their very own online    │██
                ██│ blogs within vBulletin. Giving members     │██
                ██│ a place to post thoughts, ideas and        │██
                ██│ musings will keep users returning to       │██
                ██│ advanced administration features allow     │██
                ██│ forum owners and moderators to keep        │██
                ██│ control and integrate Blog into            │██
                ██│ vBulletinÆs existing look and feel.        │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│         http://www.vbulletin.com           │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│     ████▓▓▒░    Release Notes    ░░░       │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ 1. Unpack                                  │██
                ██│ 2. Upload the contents of the upload/      │██
                ██│ directory within the zip on top of your    │██
                ██│ existing vBulletin directory.              │██
                ██│ This is the directory with                 │██
                ██│ forumdisplay.php and many other files      │██
                ██│ in it.                                     │██
                ██│ 3. Log into your vBulletin forum's         │██
                ██│ control panel. Go to Plugins & Products    │██
                ██│ > Manage Products > Add/Import Product     │██
                ██│ 4. In the Import the XML file from your    │██
                ██│ server field, enter:                       │██
                ██│ ./includes/xml/product-vbblog.xml          │██
                ██│ Change Allow Overwrite to yes.             │██
                ██│ 5. Click Import.                           │██
                ██│ 6. Enjoy!                                  │██
                ██│                                            │██
          ████  ██│                                            │██  ████
        ▓▓▓▓███▓██│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ │██ █████▓█
       █▓██  ▓█▓██│ │ GYSN IS A WEB-BASED GROUP AND DOES NOT │ │██▓▓█  █▓▓▓
      ███    ▓▓▓█   │    ALLOW ANYONE TO REDISTRIBUTE OUR    │   ▓▓██    █▓█
     ███   █  ██    │     RELEASES OR ANY PARTS OF THEM      │    ██  █   ▓▓█
   │███  ████       │  IN THE 0DAY SCENE OR OTHER NETWORKS!  │       ████  █▓█│
   │██   ███▓▓█     └────────────────────────────────────────┘     █▓▓▓██   ██│
   │██  ██ ██▓▓█                                                  █▓▓██ ██  ██│
   │███ ██  ██▓▓█       ████▓▓▒░    Group Contact    ░░░         ██▓██  ██ ███│
    │██  ██  █▓▓███                                            ███▓██  ██  ██│
    │███  ███████████        WebHQ : http://GYSN.org         █▓█████████  ███│
      ███   █████ █████   Redirect : http://GYSN.info      █▓▓▓█   ▓▓█   ▓▓█
       ███   ██│    █▓▓█                                  ████     ██   █▓█
        ███████│     █▓██   E-Mail : [email protected]   ████      ████▓▓█
         ████│        ████│    IRC : ask nicely ;)     │████        │████
          ███│         ███│                            │███         │███
       ████             ██│                            │██             ████
      ███               │██│                          │██│  phx^CiP      ███
    │█▓█                │██│                          │██│                ▓▓█│
    │▓█                   █│ ■                      ■ │█                   ▓█│
                           █  ■                    ■  █
                            ■■                      ■■
ya, lol. I was wondering why i was getting an error message. Is there a tutorial on how to upgrade or a link to the upgrade?

edit: nvm found it.