

New Member
vBulletin Blog 1.0.2 is a maintenance release to our second vBulletin add-on. It contains a number of bug fixes since the release of 1.0.1.

Some of the bugs fixed include:

* 23307 - People on a user's ignore list may still view their blog when blocked.
* 23274 - Default permissions & privacy options not being applied properly.
* 23323 - Featured entry ignores the viewing user's profile picture permissions, allowing it to always be seen.
* 23335 - Search results counter is wrong.
* 23306 - Cron system is accessing database tables that do not exist.

See a full list of bugs fixed between Blog 1.0.1 and 1.0.2

Upgrading/Installing the Blog

Upgrades and new installations of the Blog follow the same process: upload the files and import the XML. After this, you will see a message that your upgrade or install was successful. For full instructions on how to upgrade or install, please see this manual entry.

About the Blog

vBulletin Blog is a fully featured blogging add-on that enables community members to create their very own online blogs within vBulletin. Giving members a place to post thoughts, ideas and musings will keep users returning to the community again and again, and advanced administration features allow forum owners and moderators to keep control and integrate Blog into vBulletin’s existing look and feel.

vBulletin Blog makes it simple for community members to create their own space within the community. Getting started is as simple as posting the first message (using the same familiar vBulletin editor). There is no lengthy setup process - blog owners are free to personalise their blog at any time by defining a title and a description that will appear at the top of every blog post.

* Find out more about the Blog
* View the Blog's manual
* See the Blog in action on the vBulletin.com community forums

Note that to install the Blog, you must be running vBulletin 3.6.8 or newer!