Vbulletin 3.7.x Mod/Hack (Big Archive)

Cyb - Login To User Account

*** Please Sticky this Warning ****

There is a serious security bug in this modification which can allow a member to access any user account. DO NOT INSTALL! Been hacked twice because of this product!

vBulletin.org Forum - Cyb - Login To User Account

Seems like we have a worst-case-scenario... :( I just tried to "hijack" an admin account of a forum postet in the signatur of an user using the 3.7-Version.

Unfortunatly, I was successfull...
I now have full access of his forum! Don't worry - I will not do any harm!

ADMINs! Please remove all versions of this AddOn & inform every admin to disable this AddOn as soon as possible!
If vb-Admins would like to test hijacking forums - send PN an I'll give you some links to vunerable forums. There you can hijack any account you want. Unbelivable!!!