[vBTEAM] vBulletin 3.8.3

Eek! Upgrading to this from 3.8.1 keygen version everything looked fine, but now, users sending a PM get: Fatal error: Class 'vB_DataManager_pm' not found in path-to-my-forum/includes/functions.php on line 135

Tried dropping in the old functions.php just in case, but nope. Same story.

I did make a backup and can roll back, but I'd much prefer to fix it. Any suggestions?
dannyheath said:
what is uncompressed javafiles.

and replyed
mmmxiv said:
If you don't know, you don't need them.

You dont need to sound so hostile he only asked what they were.
I myself wonder not what they are but what they are for.
Any help would be appriciated.

Thanks in advanced Therax
Therax said:
and replyed

You dont need to sound so hostile he only asked what they were.
I myself wonder not what they are but what they are for.
Any help would be appriciated.

Thanks in advanced Therax
Don't worry about mmmxiv, he's just like that.
Okay then i know i just saw it and reacted.
But as for the questions both mine and dannyheath
any info to share?
I trust this one here my friends. I have went away to other boards that offered IPB but never felt like i could trust them. Here i know if you guys say it is a nulled version i feel safer. Thanks for all of your work.
blackss, everything can be
..."very easily be hacked"...
why you make your life so difficult? psilocybin and vbteam did great job and we all say big "thanx" to them and just enjoy the release. cheers m8 :)
Has Bug...
I have installed as new install and upgrade on 3 Domains....
All the time i can not run Update Counters in Maintenance from Admin CP.
If You have this Version of vBulletin Installed on your site and it is downloaded from here... If vBulletin ask for my license key and password what should i do?