vBTEAM Domain

Just a suggestion.

Why not have several other random domains, all at different registrars pointing at the vBTEAM server and enable vB to accept cookies from these domains as a backup solution?

It would take a considerable effort for anyone to shut them all down, especially at once because the whole thing would need to be co-ordinated at different registrars.

If domain #1 gets taken down, just mass Email the members the new domain then rinse and repeat and vBTEAM will always be accessible via a URL. Domains are cheap, i'm sure i've got several i can donate from random registrars.


New Member
Thanks for the info in the email...Glad to see the site again...I was wondering what happened...Take care...


New Member
why not screw the domains.. and just use IP address? then you don't need to worry about domain's going down.. only need to worry about the server itself. We can all bookmark the IP's.