vbskinworks - alien-Premium Ripped by Hoxxy

if you all need a demo my site is running the alien theme with inferno shoutbox pro on it. pm me for site i dont want to spam it here
butch said:
Thanks for the skin, but right clicking images and saving source code isn't that hard...anyone could do it if they wanted to ;)
yeh, but then adding it to every template of vbulletin and making sure they fit right....you never mentioned anything about that, and sorry mate but their ARE some novises here who need help with vbulletin templates, NOT just any templates which is what I think your talking about

yeh, I love people like you
cause you show your true figures straight away. it takes time to figure out if someone was actually an asshole or not over the internet cause you just can't figure that out unless they say something like what you just said.

Thanks for letting me know your disappointing personality mate

and thanks for the rip KrazyFire, not "everyone" can rip and configure it for vbulletin mate, it takes a long time to do, I know from experience, he just might be someone from another boardlike this one hating on vbteam, or might think its just a template for normal html pages and not configured for vbulletin templates, if not then he might be just a "nerd with an atittude"..lol

welcome to the underground bitch,oops, butch (sorry), hope you enjoy your stay....

and I apologize to anyone else for my behaviour, but I don't tolerate and really diss-like people that have their head stuck up there back side and make comments like this to anyone, they need a few slaps
Dont worry about little dumbfucks Hoxxy you do a great job on the skins, work on redemption skin by transverse styles thats one I would really like to see, anyway great work and dont worry bout the little fucks, if it's so easy you azzholes do it.