vBSEO.v3.1.0.for.vBulletin.3.x PHP NULLIFIED Incl Keygen GYSN


When I CHMOD 666 my 'vB-root/includes/config_vbseo.php' file.

and I save the license key in my 'vB-root/vbseocp.php' file.

I have these message :

Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/domain/public_html/forum/admincp/vbseocp.php on line 634
I have an issue.. have sorted most them out on my own but this one as me stumped.
when i click on my thanks button i get this

Warning: include(/home/my dir/public_html/) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/my dir/public_html/vbseo.php on line 1097

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/my dir/public_html/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/my host/php2/pear/PEAR') in /home/my dir/public_html/vbseo.php on line 1097

how do i work out this bug? something i can just turn off?
i would rather not sit here all day turning on and off things, giving and taking away thanks as i have things to do.
is it compatible with vb 3.7.0 ??
because he have by default permant link to social book mark !!!
or we must have vbseo 3.2.0 ?
I was looking for a clean vBSEO version. Thanks! (I used to have a version with many advertising of nulling.) =\
Errr guys I got a little problem. I installed everything correctly but I have one little error.

If I go to www.mysite.com/forums I see a totally blank page, but if I go to www.mysite.com/forums/index.php it works perfectly...

How can I get it working normally, that is mysite.com/forums ?

And to the guy above me, open the zip then open GYSN.nfo and finally go to the docs (do not upload) folder and open readme.html...
A. Upload ALL the files in the 'upload' folder to your forum root folder.

Note: Ensure all files are uploaded with the same folder structure provided in your 'upload' folder.

B. License your vBSEO instance:

  1. CHMOD 666 the 'vB-root/includes/config_vbseo.php' file.
  2. Using your browser, visit: http://www.yoursite.com/vB-root/vbseocp.php.
  3. Define a password for your vBSEO Control Panel by entering it twice in the fields provided, you will be redirected to the settings page.
  4. Copy/Paste your current key: 32_digit_key_in_red into the license key field provided:
    1. If your license key does not turn green, please contact licenses@crawlability.com.
C. Upload the vBSEO .htaccess file (located in the 'htaccess' folder) to your forum root folder.

Note: In some operating systems, the .htaccess file is not visible. If this is your case, find the htaccess.txt file in the same folder, (1) upload it to your forum root folder and (2) rename it to .htaccess.

D. Go to your ADMIN CP > 'Plugin System' > 'Manage Products' > Click on [Add/Import Product]

  1. Browse to the 'docs' folder of the installation package and open 'crawlability_vbseo.xml', Click 'Import'.
E. Optional Step - Define a custom position for your copyright statement:

Enter the following code in your footer template:


F. Configure vBSEO:

Note: The vBSEO default settings are optimal for most forums, do not change settings you are not familiarized with.
  1. Using your browser, visit: http://www.yoursite.com/vB-root/vbseocp.php.
  2. Login using the password you defined in step B.
  3. Configure vBSEO settings as desired.
  4. For security purposes CHMOD 644 your 'config_vbseo.php' file after configuring vBSEO.
PS: Yes it's compatible with vB3.7
Weird. Whenever I look at my settings page, it is giving the wrong forums root URL. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling it.

What's even weirder is that the forums root is the link to my old forum (it got closed so i had to make a new one). I have no clue how/why that would be there.
Can Any One Tell Me How To Run The Keygen.php...............i hv downloaded many mods..but i cannot figure out how to run...keygen.php................i m newbie in all this stuff please..............help me out
When i tried To enter the password......... i get this error
NOTE: Your /includes/config_vbseo.php file must be writable. Please change file permissions accordingly
Please Help Me
Hi i could use some help here plz!

1st- I run my vbulletin 3.8 with wamps on my local computer.
2bd- I use No-ip to redirect.
3rd- I used the keygen, and worked fine (line becomes green)

BUT (lol) it looks like this ! Current version: vBSEO 3.1.0
Your forums root: http://[color=Red][/color]badboyz
Your current key: 011f0d9acf7e61fd9b50465858b25f21

When i use keygen i specified my NO-IP ... for example let's say blabla.np-ip.biz (still get my line green in the vbseo admcp.) But when i check the forum i get Search Engine Friendly URLs by vBSEO 3.1.0 ©2007, Crawlability, Inc. (Unregistered)

So (lol) i tryed using the keygen with the url ( wich is my mysql table of forum thats on my pc) and i still get the green key color. and when i go on my main forum page everything is fine ! BUTthe thing is that when i click on any other link or categorie of the forum, it's linking to . And bam nothings working saying they cant find the page!

So i would love that one of you guys have the answer to my dilema. ( i havent tryed with my realm ip, will do that and come back)
ok so i tryed my real ip adresse and the vbseo pannel line become green, but still is unregistred on the forum pages !