
D4rk Avenger

New Member
Hi all,

In loads of the vBulletin Scripts there are lines that refer to a $vbpharse. Does anybody know in what file they are stored in as I can't seem to find them. Other forum software has a whole language page which is basically what I am looking for and it is usally stored in the inc/ folder but I can find nothing

Any help is appreciated

EDIT:I am aware that It can be done through the admincp but wondred if it was possible for the actual script


New Member
oh right. this phrase is just the title of your forum..
vbulletin options>> site name & URL options>> board title >> change as you wish.


New Member
languages and phrases>> search phrases >> type "powered by vbulletin" without the quotes, and then edit the one which is
{1} - Powered By vBulletin