vBlogetin v1b2.7 [mmmxiv]

I want to confirm this works flawlessly on 3.8.2 unmodified test board... however where I really want to use it is my 3.8.1 modified site where It throws the error I posted.

mmm Thank you
get these errors any help ?

template_master.xml.headinclude(1)."Set relative paths relative to vBulletin index.php" already found
template_master.xml.headinclude(1)."Define extra CSS for showing blog/entry/comment statuses" already found
template_master.xml.navbar(1)."Add vBlogetin navbar dropdown handle" not found
template_master.xml.navbar(1)."Add vBlogetin navbar dropdown links" already found
template_master.xml.postbit(1)."Add link to blog in postbit dropdown" not found
template_master.xml.postbit_legacy(1)."Add link to blog in postbit dropdown" not found
template_master.xml.MEMBERINFO(1)."Add blog stats in profile" not found
template_master.xml.newthread(1)."Add option to send copy of thread to blog" already found
template_master.xml.forumrules(1)."Add new forumrule - you may (not) blog this post" not found
template_master.xml.USERCP_SHELL(1)."Add links to UserCP navigation" not found
mmm HELP


clicking those icons in the editor... goes to a wrong prompt link error... happens on all installs and version boards.

does not work.... when click image insert, email insert and link insert...please help. How can the javscript be fixed?
i have a licenced vbulletin.. if i intsll this vbolgetin..
is it gonna make any problems in the future.. :(
any suggestion.. :(