vBExperience 3.8

Hi can any one help me out i have a small snag with this mod i made a few mistakes so i completley uninstalled this and re installed but i am only getting the settings from the first time
like some how i deleted the helping award from the system and when i do a re install i still am missing a few things its like holding memory or something any help appreciated
Updated To Version 3.8.3

vBExperience 3.8.3 has reached final stage. It brings long awaited features like easier Awards, Social Groups ranking and a fix for the uninstall of the product, plus several fixes.

3.8.3, 09th April 2009
- New Feature for Awards: You can enter a direct URL like "/images/awards/gold1.gif" instead of using the complicated identificator. Existing Awards are working like before.
- New Feature: Social Group Ranking. Points from group members are summed and divided by member count. Option to include only groups with x (default: 5) members. Can be disabled.
- AdminCP, Custom Points, points will be calculated for affected user immediatly
- All addons have now uninstall code to remove own columns
- Breaking change: Support for PhotoPost vBGallery has been outsourced to an plugin. You will need to install this addon (ZIP, extras/addons) to get points of it.
- New addon: v3Arcade Score Submissions
- Fixed uninstall problems
- Fixed path of vBAdvance Modules
- Several smaller fixes

How to upgrade?
1. Copy ALL (I mean ALL - That is a common error!) files from upload_via_ftp/ to the server. Espacially take care of the images, copy them to your style misc folder if you use a customized style.
2. ReImport product_vbexperience383.xml, allow overwrite
3. If you modified any of the vBExperience templates, revert them
4. Run Maintenance Tools/Recount

Awardurl has been removed as this part was causing database error, It will be reinserted for next version
semerjeran said:
I have all the misc folders in my images/styles/unreal/misc folder, why don't they show? D;

right click the missing image click properties and check the right location and upload the images there xD
i tried to update experiance points an got following error message:

Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
post.userid, COUNT(userid) AS times
FROM vbthread
INNER JOIN vbpost ON thread.lastpostid=post.postid
WHERE post.userid=1
GROUP BY post.userid
ORDER BY post.dateline DESC, post.userid;

MySQL-Fehler : Unknown column 'post.userid' in 'field list'
Fehler-Nr. : 1054
Fehler-Zeit : Saturday, 06.06.2009 @ 14:18:31
Datum : Saturday, 06.06.2009 @ 14:18:31
Skript : Anmelden - Portable GameZ Forum - vBulletin Administrator-Kontrollzentrum
Referrer : Anmelden - Portable GameZ Forum - vBulletin Administrator-Kontrollzentrum
IP-Adresse : xx.xxx.xxx.xx
Benutzername : ********
Klassenname : vB_Database
MySQL-Version : 5.1.32

following hacks are installed:
vBulletin 3.8.2
Guests Not see links 0.1 Guests Not see links in Post,Search,Thread Preview,Quotes,Archive,Print version,Reply,Signature,post BY MARCO1

Imageshack & MEGAUPLOAD Uploader 3.8.003 This will enable you to host your images on Imageshack or files on MEGAUPLOAD directly from within your post editor.

kBank 2.5.1 User point system (included Award/Thank and Hide functions)

MGC chatbox Evo 2.3.2 Fully remade MGC Chatbox

Post Thank You Hack 7.7 Post Thank You Hack

sids hide hack 0.3.5 Offers [hide] tag incl. show on thanks

v3 Arcade 1.1.0 Professional vBulletin Gaming

vBExperience 3.8.3 Calculate activity of your users

vBExperience Discussion Ender 1.0.0 Gives points for discussion ender

vBExperience Level 2.0 vBExperience Level

can somebody help plz