

New Member
vBCMS® is an integrated portal- and CMS- (Content Management) system, which is fully integrated into vBulletin. It uses the rights and template system of vBulletin. Due to its modular architecture it can be easily modified to fit each users needs. Addionally vBCMS® offers its own framework to extend it with complex scripts.
It is the ideal solution for the ambitious webmaster.


Download English-Version here!

Have Fun :D
Well, I uploaded vbcms_language_en.xml to language ("Languages & Phrases --> Download / Upload Languages --> Import Language XML File" and here I select english language and Import.
Then, I don´t have found some option to modify language of this script

Can someone help me? :o
Ok ive imported this language and its now the only language with the forum but the CMS is still in german? maybe ive forgotten something? plaese help
dude i had to uninstall it cause i cant get the stuf fin english!

everythings german even that custom navbar that comes with it and the settings and language in the acp for that section??

will you help me?

Can anyone tell me , where is the download link
This thing sucks it half-eng and half German dam the freaking devs they neex to make a 100% English version. It also will not work with all themes like VBAD dose
Wow, an intergrated vBulletin CMS? Sounds cool, I like the demo too. Thanks for this, might come in handy. =P