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                  ░███████          ▓█▒▒░▒▒█▓          ███████▓
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                 ▒████▓█▓▓██     ██     █     ██     ██▓█████▓▓█░
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        ▓██████▓▓█        █████  ■      ▄      ■  ██▓██         █▓▓▓▓▓███░
        ░██▓██████          ███ ■       ▄       ■ ███           ███▓▓▓███░
       ░██▓▓█ ███   ■■       ███                 ███        ■■   ███ █████░
      ▓███▓█       ■  ■ ::..  █                   █   ..:: ■  ■       █████▓
      ░███▓█      ■  █ ■                                  ■ █  ■      █▓███▓
       ▒█████     ■ ▀▀   ────── ────  ──── ──────  ───  ──  ▀▀ ■ ░   █▓▓██░
       ▓░██▓▓█     ■     ██▓███ ██▓█  ████│█▓████│ ▓██│ ██░   ■     █▓▓██░░
         ░░█▓▓█     ■  │█████▓██ ███  ███ │████▓▓│ ██▓│ █▓│  ■     ████▓░
           ░█▓█  ▄░ ■  │▓██░      ██████  │██░     ███│ ██│  ■     █▓█▓
           ▒████    ░  │███│███   ░▓█▓█│  │▓█████│ ██░█ █▓│  ░    █▓██░
           ▓█████   ■  │███│█████ │████│  │██████│ █▓│▓░██│  ■   ██▓██░
            ▒██▓▓   ■  │█▓█░  █▓█ │█▓██│       ▓█│ ██│████│  ■   █▓▓█▓
             ░██▓█  ░  │█████████ │████│  │█▓████│ ▓█│ █▓█│  ░  █▓▓█▓
              ░█▓█  │     ███▓██  │██▓█░  │████▓█░ ██░ ███│  │  ▓▓█▓
              ▒█▓▓█ │     ──────   ────    ──────  ──  ───   │ ████░
              ░██▓█ │ ▄▄ ■.GiVE....YOU..SOMETHiNG...NEW.■ ▄▄ │ ████▓
               ░█▓██ ■█ ■        ▀░▄                     ■ █■ ████▓
                ▓███  ▄■                                  ■▄  ███░
             █▓██░███                                        ███▓█▓██
           ██▓█     █        vBadvanced CMPS v3.1.0          █    ██▓██
         ██▓██      █                                        █      ██▓██
       ██▓██   ███ █▓          (c) vBadvanced.com            ▓█ ███   ██▓██
     ██▓██    ██   █▓█                                      ▓▓█   ██    ██▓██
    █▓██     ██      █  ████▓▓▒░  Release Infomation ░░░    █      ██     ██▓█
   ███      ██      ██                                      ██      ██      █▓█
  ███▓██    █    ████   Supplied by : TEAM GYSN              ████    █    ██▓███
        ██      ██     Nullified by : TEAM GYSN                 ██      ██
         ███  ███│      Packaged by : TEAM GYSN                 │███  ███
          │██▓█▓█│                                              │██▓███│
          │██▓▓▓│      Release Date : 12/24/2008                 │█▓▓▓█│
        │███████│       Disk / Size : 01x5.00MB                  │███████│
        │███   ██      Script Genre : Add-On                     ██   ███│
       │███     ███│    Script Type : PHP/MySQL               │█▓█     ███│
       │█▓█ █   █▓▓│   OS / Version : Unix, Linux, WinALL     │███  █  █▓█│
       │█▓█  █   █▓│     Protection : Condom                  │█▓  █   █▓█│
       │█▓▓█     ███│                                        │█▓█     █▓▓█│
       │██▓▓█     ██│   ████▓▓▒░      Overview       ░░░     │█▓     █▓▓██│
         ███████  ▓█│                                        │██  ███████
           ████▓████│                                        │█████████
             ███▓██                                            ██▓▓██
                ▓█│                                            │█▓
                ██│ vBadvanced CMPS (Content Management &      │██
                ██│ Portal System) is an advanced portal /     │██
                ██│ CMS that allows you to easily include      │██
                ██│ elements from your vBulletin message       │██
                ██│ board on your web site's homepage, or      │██
                ██│ other pages. It's module system (w/ 14     │██
                ██│ default modules included) makes almost     │██
                ██│ every aspect of the software easy to       │██
                ██│ customize and change through your Admin    │██
                ██│ CP. Easily create and manage new pages     │██
                ██│ with your own custom content with the      │██
                ██│ ability to change every setting on a       │██
                ██│ per-page basis. Integrating CMPS           │██
                ██│ modules with your vBulletin forum pages    │██
                ██│ can also be done with no file              │██
                ██│ modifications required.                    │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│        http://www.vbadvanced.com/          │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│     ████▓▓▒░    Release Notes    ░░░       │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ 1. Unpack                                  │██
                ██│ 2. Read read_vba_cmps.html                 │██
                ██│ 3. Enjoy!                                  │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│                                            │██
                ██│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ │██
                ██│ │ GYSN IS A WEB-BASED GROUP AND DOES NOT │ │██
                ██│ │    ALLOW ANYONE TO REDISTRIBUTE OUR    │ │██
                ██│ │     RELEASES OR ANY PARTS OF THEM      │ │██
          ████  ██│ │  IN THE 0DAY SCENE OR OTHER NETWORKS!  │ │██  ████
        ▓▓▓▓███▓██│ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ │██ █████▓█
       █▓██  ▓█▓██│                                            │██▓▓█  █▓▓▓
      ███    ▓▓▓█        ████▓▓▒░    Group Contact    ░░░        ▓▓██    █▓█
     ███   █  ██                                                  ██  █   ▓▓█
   │███  ████                WebHQ : http://GYSN.org                 ████  █▓█│
   │██   ███▓▓█             E-Mail : N/A                           █▓▓▓██   ██│
   │██  ██ ██▓▓█               IRC : N/A                          █▓▓██ ██  ██│
   │███ ██  ██▓▓█                                                ██▓██  ██ ███│
    │██  ██  █▓▓███    ████▓▓▒░  vBulletin Underground  ░░░    ███▓██  ██  ██│
    │███  ███████████                                        █▓█████████  ███│
      ███   █████ █████  Providing the best nulls, hacks,  █▓▓▓█   ▓▓█   ▓▓█
       ███   ██│    █▓▓█   skins and support since 2005!  ████     ██   █▓█
        ███████│     █▓██                                ████      ████▓▓█
         ████│        ████│     Visit: vBTEAM.info     │████        │████
          ███│         ███│                            │███         │███
       ████             ██│                            │██             ████
      ███               │██│                          │██│  phx^CiP      ███
    │█▓█                │██│                          │██│                ▓▓█│
    │▓█                   █│ ■                      ■ │█                   ▓█│
                           █  ■                    ■  █
                            ■■                      ■■


[RS] vBadvance.CMPS.v3.1.0.for.vBulletin.3.x.PHP.NULLIFIED-GYSN
[Uploaded.to] vBadvance.CMPS.v3.1.0.for.vBulletin.3.x.PHP.NULLIFIED-GYSN
[NL] vBadvance.CMPS.v3.1.0.for.vBulletin.3.x.PHP.NULLIFIED-GYSN
wadhah said:
dude,this is free !!
yh as you may know they are kinda the same as vbulletin.com jelsoft so if you put your website url to download this there is even more chance of you getting taken down and when you instyall it. if its successful they get an email saying that this www.youdomain.com has been installed successfully, so when its nulled that doesnt happen.
cool, thanks for good share. but how do i see the forum with cmps installed? i can only see latest posts on startpage
jcosta71292 said:
yh as you may know they are kinda the same as vbulletin.com jelsoft so if you put your website url to download this there is even more chance of you getting taken down and when you instyall it. if its successful they get an email saying that this www.youdomain.com has been installed successfully, so when its nulled that doesnt happen.
I am newbie and I think i screwed up. crap
i have a problem with this...
when I activate news module, and when I chose a forum, i get database error...
all other modules are working greate, but this one...
can any1 tell me what's the problem?