vb Linkchecker Bot

hmm .. im started bot,work fine...but,bot find dead link and move to trash and send PM to me "I have moved your topic to trash"......but i cant open this PM...

Hi All im using the new version 1.1 .

I done all but get this error :

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT graveyard, graveyard_id, pmUID, pmUNA, acheck, alast, pmSub, pmMsg FROM dlc_config LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : Table 'tugateaf_forum.dlc_config' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146

Can somebury Help me .

Thank you
this aint doing anything for me.. i installed the other one too, and both just did absolutely nothing. no error and then no actions..
is there a proper way to run the bot? because currently its doing nothing when i run now through schedueld tasks..