

New Member

Demo at: http://www.madebymary.com/demoarea/vbclubsindex.php

- Known Bugs:

* Not all phrases have moved to phrase groups
* Templates are still uncached

- New in version 1.4.0:

* Every club can has its own templates
* Subcategory support added for clubs

- How it works

There are 3 ways that vbClubs can work in your community. Trying to explain with simple words what are Clubs, I can say that they're small communities inside your community. So, the 3 ways are:

* Admin decides to be the only one who can create clubs. In this case he setup categories/subcategories and then he creates clubs. Members are visiting the clubs and if they find them interest they're registering as members.
* Same as above but except admin other usergroups can create clubs.
* Everybody can create clubs

Please note that every section of the module needs an active club to be assign to it. eg Members (if they've permissions to do it) they can post blogs, articles etc only to clubs that they've registered before.

- User Highlights

* He can build one or more fun clubs, setting them as Public (everybody can participate) or Private (registration requests need his approval)
* He can setup his own questions per club, which are used as registration form to members who want to participate
* Each of his clubs has it's own forum for discussion with the other members of his club. On these forums he has full Moderator rights to "clean up" unwanted posts.
* No need to turn off the whole club or whole photo gallery if he wants to hide a photo. Every single part of the club (photo, video, blog etc) can be turn off.
* He can not only upload videoclips, but he can add his ready YouTUBE, Yahoo etc code.
* There is no need to mark his full club or gallery as "Adult" if he just wants to upload a sexy photo. He can mark only the specific photo as "Adult".
* He can not only post an Ad in classifieds section to sell something, but he can sell it in real as he can accept payments with PayPal (IPN istant notification is also available).
* He can not only post an event, but he can accept registrations and payments for the registrations, using his PayPal account (IPN istant notification is also available).
* He can not only post his blogs, but he can index them by setting categories.

- Admin Highlights (or how to get profits)

* By having 3 choices per module (eg can create clubs, how many clubs, unlimited clubs yes/no), he can setup an unlimited number of usergroups setting them free or paid.
* In every category of classifieds he can setup a fix amount that users must pay to post an Ad there. Using PayPal's IPN the Ad becomes active and visible only after a successfull payment.
* Even if your site is a free one, you can earn morey by turning Donations on.
* Google AdSense (and any type of Banner) ready. 11 different banners at the top of each part (Clubs, Blogs, Photos etc), plus a nearly unlimited number of banner places at the bottom of page, as you can add different advertising code per category. That's great if you someone wants to become sponsor of a specific category in a specific part of your site.
* vbClubs is vbSeo friendly

- Minors' (and Visitors') Protection

Unlike other scripts which don't take care to protect minors and visitors from unmonitoring posts (photos ot text), vbClubs has a build-in filter to show only posts marked as "non Adult" content. This switcher is avaliable in all pages and by default it's turn on (filtering on). So, it's up to your visitors to turn it off if they want to see all the content. Much more, to avoid repeating actions any time that he/she is visiting your site, this setting is storing in cookie. Also if a Member wants to participate in a Club that has adult content, he is getting a warning message about it and he must click "I Agree" to continue the registration procedure.

- Member Clubs

Clubs are the heart of vbClubs. Any single item from Blogs, For Sale, Galleries, Videos, Events and e-Cards belong to a Club. Depending on user's decision a Club can be Public (viewable from all Members) or Private where Members who want to participate to this club must register answering the questions that the club's owner maybe has setup and then await the authorization from the owner to be able to enter and use it. Also Club's owner must categorize his club as Adult or non Adult. Finally the owner has the ability to temporary hide his club or any sibgle part of it.

A great feature is that the owner can setup unlimited questions for his registration form using radio buttons, checkboxes, droplists, multiselect list, text and textarea. This way he can get usefull information for his decision to accept the member or not.
Each club has it's own forum where he has full Moderator rights. This is good to avoid spam posts or any post not interesting for others. Common features like Rating, Bookmarking etc are also available.

- Blogs & Articles

Blogs section has nothing special but for sure nothing less that all other blogging mods. It's special point is that the owner, can setup his own categories and so to categorize his blogs. Also it supports outgoing RSS feeds for all blogs.

- For Sale (Classifieds)

Another common(??) section in Social Networking scripts? But if you check it you'll see that is not just a classifieds section. It's a real mini-cart. Members can post Ads for sale, setup the price and their PayPal address so they can accept real time payments thanks to PayPals IPN system. Need more deep features? They can setup different PayPal address for each item for sale. And if Admin setups a category "Donations" for free post of Ads, then they can accept even donations from their Club's members. Members can rate and bookmark items for sale.

- Meet Me (Dating like)

This is a clone of the well known MeetMe. It's a funny Dating like module (A real Dating module with powerfull features will be realize soon). The way that it works is: Jack is seeing Mary's photo and he likes her. Then he clikcs on "Meet Me". Mary gets a message that Jack likes her and she is seeing Jack's photo. If she likes him then she accepts the invatiation and a double mach has done. From now and then they can communicate with no restrictions.

- Photos & Videos

* Members can upload their fun/home Photos & Videos and put them to various categories
* Members can input external embed tags (such as YouTube, Yahoo! Videos)
* Members can organize their photos in Albums (Galleries)
* Other members can view Photos & Videos, vote for them and leave comments
* Ability to search for Photo & Video files
* Ability to browse Photos & Videos by category

- Events

With features that I didn't even found in expensive Calendar scripts, this section will become very popular in your community. Depending on his permissions, every member can cost events, accept registrations and ..payments for participation!! Yes, that's right. If the member has a Premium or Business account with PayPal, can accept online payments. PayPal's Instant Payment Notification auto adds the participant on the list after a successfull payment.

- e-Cards

* Ability to send eCards immediately or on date.
* Membrs can personalize the cards by uploading their own photos.
* Members can personalize the cards by using special fonts, colors using vbEditor.
* Receiver gets the full card in the email and not a link which nobody clicks.
* Other Members can vote on cards and leave comments for them.
* Members can choose the right card by browsing them by category.

- Donations (More than a simple Thank You)

To get donations especially for a website is something very difficult. Do you know why? Because none webmaster gives attention to show donors in public. Just a "Thank you" email is not enought if you want to get donations from your members. Everybody wants a special care in exchange for his donation. The Donation section (in case that you'll activate it) will helps you by giving a special place for your donors with many features like top donors, most active donors etc.

- User Control Panel

A well designed place full of power. Anything that a member wants to do is there. Create anything, editing anything. Following up his sales & event registrations. Adding, removing bookmarks. Reading latest post of Club's forums that he has subscribte. Making a donation, or checking his permissions for what he can do and what not in the community. In addition, most common vB's control panel actions are there. For example, changing his profile or signature, adding photo or avatar. You must see it and you'll love it.

*** Installation ***

Step 1

Unzip vbclubs.zip and upload all files and directories including at vbulletin directory to the directory where vBulletin is installed.

Step 2

CMOD following directories to 777

* photos (inside vbclubs directory)
* videos (inside vbclubs directory)
* tmp (inside vbclubs directory/photos)
* thumbs (inside vbclubs directory/photos)

Step 3

For security reasons backup your database AND turn your board off

Step 4

Check at your AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Plugin/Hook System that Plugin system is enabled.

Step 5

From your AdminCP->Plugin System->Manage Products choose Add/Import Product and import the product: product_vbclubs.xml

Step 6

If you want to add a link to your nav bar then you must edit the NAVBAR template:

Search For:

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>
Add Below:

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="vbclubsindex.php$session[sessionurl_q]">MySpace</a></td>
....or use any other word you want

Step 7

By default none usergroup has permissions to use vbClubs, so you need to give permissions to any group. Goto AdminCP->Usergroups->Usergroup Manager and edit any usergroup you like to give permissions.

Step 8

Still in your admincp select Scheduled Tasks/Add New Scheduled task. Fill in:

* Varname = sendcards
* Title = Send eCards
* Minute (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
* Script path = ./mysocialspaceecardssender.php
* and press Save.

Step 9
If you've installed vbSEO, Login into vbSEO Control Panel, click "Custom Rewrite Rules", insert rewrite rules (vbseorules.txt) and save settings.

*** Copyright ***

The script cannot be redistributed, reproduced, or published in any way. Modifying this
script and sharing or publishing your modification A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E (including here)without the author's written permission is not allowed, but you can modify it as you want but just for your own use.

In addition to above restrictions you can't develop and share addons for 3nd party scripts (eg for vBadvanced).

The demo does not work on that website, thats the first place I checked, which is why I asked if someone has this currently installed so that I can check it out.

I have installed a few of madebymary products and noticed they were poorly developed. not to mention vb pulled her products from their site because of security concerns.
Impulse said:
Does this take ages to import the product for anyone else?

I recommend not using her hacks, her hacks are a little faulty and may ruin your board.

just my 2 cents.