[vB 3.6.8] Radio and TV Stations Add-on v1.3


New Member
This will let your community build and maintain a Radio and TV Stations library.

- Users can add / delete / edit own stations
- Favorite stations
- Report broken / duplicate stations
- Full AJAX
- Plays Windows Media Player and Real Player streams
- and more...

More Info:

This will let your community build and maintain a Radio and TV Stations library.

- Users can add / delete / edit own stations
- Favorite stations
- Report broken / duplicate stations
- Full AJAX
- Plays Windows Media Player and Real Player streams
- and more...

More Info:

In the radiostations.php file find:

// ############################ CONFIG VARS ##############################
$admin_groups = rs_do_array($vbulletin->options['radiostations_admins']);
$full_users = rs_do_array($vbulletin->options['radiostations_full_users']);
$banned_users = rs_do_array($vbulletin->options['radiostations_banned_users']);
$half_users = rs_do_array($vbulletin->options['radiostations_half_users']);
$default_station = $vbulletin->options['radiostations_default_station'];

Just below it add:

$navbits = array();
$navbits[$parent] = 'RADIOSTATIONS';
$navbits = construct_navbits($navbits);
eval('$navbar = "' . fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
$navbar = process_replacement_vars($navbar);
eval('$headinclude = "' . fetch_template('headinclude') . '";');
$headinclude = process_replacement_vars($headinclude);
eval('$footer = "' . fetch_template('footer') . '";');
$footer = process_replacement_vars($footer);

In the RADIOSTATIONS template find:


Add below it:


At the bottom of this same template, right above the:




If you want to use this in a drop down menu from your navbar, add this:

<if condition="$show['member']"><tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="radiostations.php?$session[sessionurl_q]" target="_blank">$vbphrase[rs_radiostations]</a></td></tr></if>

If you prefer to have it as it's own menu item in your navbar, add this:

<if condition="$show['member']"><td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="radiostations.php?$session[sessionurl_q]" target="_blank">$vbphrase[rs_radiostations]</a></td></if>

Also it has been updated to version 1.5
can anyone please give me TV Stations also

it is mentioned that we need to add TV stations manually !

so plzz gv me TV stations list also plzz

i really need it !

thank u !

Version History

Version 1.0
- public release

Version 1.1
- changed order on setting usergroup permissions, requirements are now checked in this order: Half User > Full User > Admin > Banned User, checks for primary and secondary usergroups and userids for banned users
- fixed style issue with the station pages
- fixed duplicate station not being reported ("reporttype" gpc var wasn't being cleaned)
- fixed member number not showing on "reported by" url (was using $user[userid] instead $report[userid])
- fixed station not being editable/deletable by user who added it ($vbulletin var wasn't on global in function rs_construct_station_options() and rs_check_ownership() )

Version 1.2
- fixed bug with deleted stations reports showing (reports are now removed when the station is removed)
- added template group (added plugin "Radio Stations - Add Template Group")
- changed text input classes from smallfont to bginput, with style="font-size: 11px"
- added Real Player support
- added expand/collapse arrows to tables

Version 1.3
- made hardcoded option "Statistics Entries" into option in acp
- user name markups now consider displaygroupid
- station list breadcrumbs now shows "Category: All" instead "All Categories"
- mod name changed to "Radio and TV Add-on" (changed a bunch of phrases, changed radiostations.php to radioandtv.php, edited plugins, changed navbar code, edited javascript code, won't change phrases names though nor product ID nor table names, it's a little frankenstein but it's ok)
- made hardcoded option "Stations Per Page" into option in acp
- changed look of "currently playing" station info and options
- created a popup window to view TV stations in bigger player windows

Version 1.4
- moved group permissions to vb's permission system
- added "can view add-on" permission
- added window popup that shows who rated each station

Version 1.5
- added Category column to station lists

Version 1.6
- added clean up script to admin options, to clean bad ratings and stations
- added "Options" link in the acp menu

Version 1.7
- added Quicktime support