Va_Xp Skin By ( Nulled By Nazia

NAZIA said:
I think I have shared the PSD files in the first thread...
What you have downloaded???

Here is the link..
PSD xp skin for dotsis.rar‎


Yes, Thank for your help. But PSDs are not available for the Buttons? If I want to add a new button matching to the template like 'Thanks' button, I got to create something similar on my own. That is why.

I should not expect everything when I am getting it free :D lol

Thanks again!
shzad1 said:
How can we edit link for the menu under logo? i.e. The DotSis, Series 60 Zone

Copy the header code and open it in any designing software, like dreamveiwer , front page. and edit the exact links for the header links.

More you can edit the links, from the header. files...