

i am doing a game which is shooting out a FIREBALL and when it hit the Dinosaur, the dinosaur will disappear.... what i want to noe is...when the fireball is shoot out intercepting the dinosaur...how do u make it disappear... i tried the intersectswith method...it does not work...maybe i did the wrong way...i have some codes for u to see.... I am using looping method to display lots of dinosaur to COME out....

Dim trex As cTRex// this is the dinosaur from the class called cTrex
Dim ball As cfireball//this is the fireball from the class called cfireball
Dim tRexColumn(9) As cTRexColumn
Private Sub frmGame_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
trex = New cTRex(PnlGame)
trex.Hide() // do it have to do this
fireball = New cfireball(PnlGame)

Private Sub tmrGame_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrGame.Tick
recfireball = New Rectangle(ball.Location, ball.Size)
recTrex = New Rectangle(trex.Location, trex.Size)
// do i have to do the intercepting part here...i do not know how to continue...