Upload Via Php Errors Out


I have changed the upload_max_filesize for php to 75MB, and have tried uploading a 32MB file, but after a while of uploading it displays "This page cannot be displayed". I've also changed the max_execution_time to 300. Does anyone have any suggestions on what else I might need to change? I've succesfully uploaded a 6.5 MB file with no problem. <br /><br /><a href="http://www.havocoffroad.com/phpinfo.php" target="_blank">http://www.havocoffroad.com/phpinfo.php</a><!--content-->
If you are trying to upload that large of a file I would suggest using FTP.<!--content-->
It is the attachment mod for the forums that allows members to upload a video or image and it will then be displayed in the post. I also tried uploading it in CPanel, and it didn't work either. What is CPanel's limit? What max size would you suggest?<!--content-->
Well the PHP default is 2MB. Maybe some other members have used it for larger files and can comment.<!--content-->
I doubled the max_execution_time to 600 through .htaccess and it the uploads are going through now. I don't know if the two are related or not...but I'm happy it's working now.<!--content-->