upload from your HD without a FTP program


is there any way i can set a folders chmod to 000, but still have the public upload files to? i'm wanting to have a simple in browser ftp program which will give the viewer the option to browse their HD for files, upload them, but not be able to view them untill reviewed by one of the admins. current dir chmod is set to 255.

any ideas?
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:Moving thread to server side forum...I don't know all the chmod codes very well, but you should be able to write a script that can set the chmod so the file can be uploaded, then reset the chmod after the upload is done so the contents are not viewable except by the owner.

KevinHere's one way:
I would have the script upload the files to a temporary directory until they have been reviewed by 'admin'. Keep this dir within your cgi-bin, set it to 755, and don't move (or publish) the files to a public access directory until they've been reviewed.

The idea of course is to 'hide' the URL of the temporary directory (hard coded into the script).thanks for the reply's! i have the script completed, and i will be placing everything in a photo/cgi-bin i tested it over the weekend on a non linked site, and everything works great!

thanks again