ultimate skin rip


New Member
Hoxxy said:
Thats mybb not vBulletin.

ive had a look at the source and it does seem to be vbulletin

it includes all the usual

guest welcome message, whats going on box etc....

chakru said:
plus that skin is not so attractive!!

thats probably the best skin ive ever seen to be honest :)

the attention to detail is crazy... check out the youtube embedding. its excellent


New Member
MyBB is a near copy of vBulletin, I'm not saying they have ripped vB off but the script design is a near perfect match even from the backend, it uses plugins, a template system and even some of the css attributes are the same or similar...tbh its what I would pobably use if I didnt have vB plus its free :)


New Member
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_global.js?v=380"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_menu.js?v=380"></script>

Yeah that's vb.

And the youtube thing is pretty sweet! But I would saw the skin overall is nothing great, even though theres some great things going on with it ;)


New Member
yessir said:
Yeah that's vb.

And the youtube thing is pretty sweet! But I would saw the skin overall is nothing great, even though theres some great things going on with it ;)

I stand corrected....Just goes to show even us Gurus get it wrong sometimes...:)