Ultimate Side Colums HELP!

Hey guys well i installed the USC 2.2 mod and when installed it doesn't show up at all. I have installed it several times including completely reinstalling VB as i thought it was the issue. When I try to let it automatically insert the edits it doesn't show up nor when i try to do the edits myself. In acp all the options look fine and the install also looks fine but when it is enabled it isn't visible anywhere on the site. The first time I installed it it worked fine but I had another issue with vb and ended up reinstalling it. When I tried to reinstall USc every time since than I get the same thing nothign at all. can anyone give me some feedback on why this may be happening. Thanks in advance.
lol you know i had this same porblem please follow these instructions to the T or else you will get errors. First install 2.0 version and run the update script and then import 2.1`s product. After that do not delete the update script simply re run it and import the 2.2 product. Ok now that thats is out of the way go to usergroups and click can view side colum to which ever side you`d like to see it show to that group or both if you have both selected. Also there is an issues with this you will have to make a new class in the css so your background is the color you`d like it to be. also to do the edits use this

<tr><td class="sidecolum"><!-- type you info here per template --></td></tr>

for the css use
.sidecolum {
background-color: /*add the hex code or manuel color here*/

Be sure to delete the comments if you dont need them a demo can befoudn here Friends forum