Total Rewrite Of Ultimate Form Mail


I spent all day yesterday rewriting the code from scratch. Why? It needed it...bad.<br /><br />The older versions were based on the code of others that I serious hacked and improved... but you could tell it was held together with scotch tape. Don't get me wrong, the code worked... but with TCH going to SMTP... and just to clean the darn thing up and do it RIGHT... I started over from scratch.<br /><br />The result is my first shot at OOP (Object Oriented Programming) and I think it's a major improvement.<br /><br />First, it uses SMTP to send the autoreply and the webmaster info.<br /><br />Second, it gives a ton of feedback if you set the testing variable on. <br /><br />Third, because it is a class, it should be easier to add bells and whistles to the code moving forward.<br /><br />Fourth, the code will soon give you the ability to send html emails and track your statistics (I doubt that one will be free... but maybe)<br /><br />Fifth, I've tested the code with the error reporting turned all the way up so the code should be very clean. In fact, the error reporting in the final product is all the way up so I know it's clean.<br /><br />Sixth, it should work with globals turned off or on, safemode turned off or on. None of this matters to TCH members. But it matters to me since 2,800 people have downloaded it in just a few weeks.<br /><br />One thing that's missing in this version is the file upload for attachments. If you need that functionality... then stick with version 1.7 for now. I'm rewriting the attachment code and I'm hoping to do it in a way that's a little more secure.<br /><br />I'm sure 2.0 Beta isn't perfect.. but it should be much easier to use and TCH members definitely shouldn't have much trouble with it.<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank">You can download it here</a><br /><br /><b>And please give it a positive rating if you like what it does</b><!--content-->
Way to go Jack.<br /> As you know I use your script(v1.7) in a couple of different areas of my site and it works great. I do need the file upload for attachments part so for now I'll stay with 1.7 but its good to know an upgrade is in the works. 1.7 will be hard to beat,it does about everything but bring you a cup of coffee, so I'm in no hurry to change.<!--content-->
<b>New options I forgot to mention</b><ul><li>You can set up a form with drop down selection for recipient... without giving away their email addy in the code!</li><li>Date submitted is on form and is easily customized</li><li>You can send a receipt to the visitor with the info they sent you</li></ul><!--content-->
I tried the latest version of UFM. These are the steps that I have done to use my form:<br />1.Edit my mailit.php<br />2.Upload to a folder<br />3.Test contact.php<br />4.Submit the form<br /><br />I received this error message:<br /><br />The file /home/amirhol/public_html/Form/class.UFMail.php has been encoded with the ionCube PHP Encoder and requires the free ionCube PHP Loader to be installed.<br /><br />5.I clicked on ionCubePHP Loader<br /><br />sends me to this link:<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />Now, I don鎶