**Top Ten Tips for Twitter Marketing**


New Member

I have played around with Twitter marketing for a long while now and at one time had many thousands of followers. The only problem was that they were not targeted to my niche and therefore of very little use. I have also made just about every mistake that one can make and have learnt the hard way. So I thought I would share my top ten tips with you that may help you to avoid my pitfalls and benefit from my experiences. By the way this is only my opinion based on my experiences and I am sure that there are other valid methods.

Use your own picture in your Twitter profile. I have seen so many people hiding behind pictures of Yoda, Dragons, Puppies, Bruce Lee and just about everything else you can think of. If you want potential customers to trust you and follow you then come out and show them who you are. After all, you are beautiful!
Choose who you follow carefully. Following thousands of people just to get follow backs will not give you a targeted audience.
If you are using an automated program such as TweetAdder then take the time to get to know the program and understand how it works.
When setting up an automated program, choose search terms carefully to ensure you attract targeted follows. Just putting in 'make money' or 'online marketing' will bring in thousands of unwanted follows.
Tweet regularly. Followers need to get to know you and trust you before they become customers. Keeping active on twitter will help towards this.
DO NOT bombard your followers with Direct Messages. There is nothing worse than receiving 20 DM's a day from the same person.
DO NOT try to sell products directly from Tweets. Trying to sell a product when your sales copy is limited to only 140 characters, including your URL is a waste of time.
Give useful information and free gifts away to your followers to build up a relationship with them. This trust will eventually create traffic to your website.
DO NOT ReTweet other peoples Tweets just for the sake of Tweeting something. Only ReTweet useful information that will be of benefit to your followers.
Be nice. Tweeting bad things about others will not build trust. Likewise, avoid bad language, polotics, religion and anything else that may cause offence.

I know that this information may be common knowledge to a lot of you but for those who are not familiar with Twitter this may be the difference between success and failure.

I hope this helps someone.
fdrix said:

I have played around with Twitter marketing for a long while now and at one time had many thousands of followers. The only problem was that they were not targeted to my niche and therefore of very little use. I have also made just about every mistake that one can make and have learnt the hard way. So I thought I would share my top ten tips with you that may help you to avoid my pitfalls and benefit from my experiences. By the way this is only my opinion based on my experiences and I am sure that there are other valid methods.

Use your own picture in your Twitter profile. I have seen so many people hiding behind pictures of Yoda, Dragons, Puppies, Bruce Lee and just about everything else you can think of. If you want potential customers to trust you and follow you then come out and show them who you are. After all, you are beautiful!
Choose who you follow carefully. Following thousands of people just to get follow backs will not give you a targeted audience.
If you are using an automated program such as TweetAdder then take the time to get to know the program and understand how it works.
When setting up an automated program, choose search terms carefully to ensure you attract targeted follows. Just putting in 'make money' or 'online marketing' will bring in thousands of unwanted follows.
Tweet regularly. Followers need to get to know you and trust you before they become customers. Keeping active on twitter will help towards this.
DO NOT bombard your followers with Direct Messages. There is nothing worse than receiving 20 DM's a day from the same person.
DO NOT try to sell products directly from Tweets. Trying to sell a product when your sales copy is limited to only 140 characters, including your URL is a waste of time.
Give useful information and free gifts away to your followers to build up a relationship with them. This trust will eventually create traffic to your website.
DO NOT ReTweet other peoples Tweets just for the sake of Tweeting something. Only ReTweet useful information that will be of benefit to your followers.
Be nice. Tweeting bad things about others will not build trust. Likewise, avoid bad language, polotics, religion and anything else that may cause offence.

I know that this information may be common knowledge to a lot of you but for those who are not familiar with Twitter this may be the difference between success and failure.

I hope this helps someone.

These tips are really nice. I think that these tips will really helps us in promoting our twitter page.
fdrix said:

I have played around with Twitter marketing for a long while now and at one time had many thousands of followers. The only problem was that they were not targeted to my niche and therefore of very little use. I have also made just about every mistake that one can make and have learnt the hard way. So I thought I would share my top ten tips with you that may help you to avoid my pitfalls and benefit from my experiences. By the way this is only my opinion based on my experiences and I am sure that there are other valid methods.

Use your own picture in your Twitter profile. I have seen so many people hiding behind pictures of Yoda, Dragons, Puppies, Bruce Lee and just about everything else you can think of. If you want potential customers to trust you and follow you then come out and show them who you are. After all, you are beautiful!
Choose who you follow carefully. Following thousands of people just to get follow backs will not give you a targeted audience.
If you are using an automated program such as TweetAdder then take the time to get to know the program and understand how it works.
When setting up an automated program, choose search terms carefully to ensure you attract targeted follows. Just putting in 'make money' or 'online marketing' will bring in thousands of unwanted follows.
Tweet regularly. Followers need to get to know you and trust you before they become customers. Keeping active on twitter will help towards this.
DO NOT bombard your followers with Direct Messages. There is nothing worse than receiving 20 DM's a day from the same person.
DO NOT try to sell products directly from Tweets. Trying to sell a product when your sales copy is limited to only 140 characters, including your URL is a waste of time.
Give useful information and free gifts away to your followers to build up a relationship with them. This trust will eventually create traffic to your website.
DO NOT ReTweet other peoples Tweets just for the sake of Tweeting something. Only ReTweet useful information that will be of benefit to your followers.
Be nice. Tweeting bad things about others will not build trust. Likewise, avoid bad language, polotics, religion and anything else that may cause offence.

I know that this information may be common knowledge to a lot of you but for those who are not familiar with Twitter this may be the difference between success and failure.

I hope this helps someone.
Thanks for sharing information to increase our knowledge.
Thanks for these tips. These will really be helpful. And just to add another thing, you can also hold contests on Twitter. Just be creative about hash tags.
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Twitter marketing is also good option for marketing. Yes, you can use twitter for your business. There are so many twitter marketing tool available on Internet. You can use tweetdeck tool. These tool is a good for marketing.
I know very well that marketing is a way for promoting your business product and also Twitter marketing is very popular from last few many years because there are many business which can be easily done at online.
I have also created just about every error that one can create and have discovered the difficult way. So I believed I would discuss my top ten guidelines with you that may help you to prevent my stumbling blocks and advantage from my encounters.