Theoretical Situation?


New Member
So, say two presidential candidates ran, and one was clearly affiliated with the Reps, and one was moderate publicly, but secretly a Rep. <br />
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So, when VP picks came around, could they both pick each other to guarantee a white house victory, and voters only voted for which is president and which is VP?<br />
Dude, no. I said Theoretical for a reason.<br />
It won't happen. Are you thinking that McCain should choose Lieberman as the VP. They both are really Democrats you know. McCain has twice threatened to quit the Republican Party. He should have been kicked out then.
No, because basically their picks have to be approved by their parties (GOP and Dem conventions are coming up). If they pulled something like that then their nomination would be pulled out from under them by their own parties, most likely.
First come the conventions and then the picking of the VEEP
hilary will have something to add and barack will no doubt be blindsighted..
I assume that by "moderate" you mean democrat. Your choice of words is very revealing.

I think your scenario may have actually happened in reverse this election cycle. Many republicans consider McCain to be more democrat than republican.
In theory it could happen. In practice it's not too likely. Though the resulting situation would be far less odd then how the Constitution originally had presidential elections. People voted for a candidate, there were no vice presidential candidates. The person with the most votes was president, the person with the 2nd highest number of votes was vice president. After more then one election we ended up with a crippled government because the President and VP had opposing agendas and often worked against each other.