Steps To Transfer To Tch? (followup)


Reference:<br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />My TCH site is up and running! I've gotten the domain name reassigned and email configured... All looks good. I'm surprised how fast the DNS changes took hold. I was redirected basically immediately.<br /><br />In the original thread, I had asked <br /><br />"My current host has no stats package running. Is there a way I can use some type of tool to tell when requests to the current web host stop after my new TCH site is propagating? Some type of external tool to look for requests to the current IP address..."<br /><br />TCH Andy replied:<br /><br />"As long as you don't mind adding a short script to your old sites files, then yes - that could be done.<br /><br />If you are happy to - let me know, and I'll find a short script for you to add."<br /><br />...meaning, he later clarified, a small javascript for my (I'm guessing index) page on the old host.<br /><br />Well... I'm ready for that point. Can you guys provide me with something so I can tell when pull the plug?<br /><br />Thanks to everyone that has helped and encouraged. <br /><br />---Steve<!--content-->
Hi Steve,<br /><br />I moved this topic to the scripting area rather than pre-sales.<br /><br />Since your site is in dreamweaver, I would edit the template, and add a simple log script in, such as;<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><?PHP<br /># variables<br /><br />$LogFile = "/home/username/public_html/hits.log";<br />$HitDate=date("D M j g:ia");<br />$separator = "\t";<br /><br /># Script<br /><br />$PLogFile=@fopen($LogFile,"a");<br />$message = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].$separator.$todaysDate.$separator.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\n";<br />@fwrite($PLogFile,$message);<br />@fclose($PLogFile);<br /><br /># End<br />?><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />This will add any hits to a log file - that you can then access and read to see if anyone is still going there. You will need to edit the .htaccess to get it to interpret the PHP code in yout html, and I am assuming you have php on your old server - if not, tell us what script languages you could use.<!--content-->