Speed Up your Board and Reduce Bandwidth

testebr said:
Better you use this website to compress all js files:


More info read here.

I wouldn't use that one it's very regressive (breaks code). It does compress it a bit smaller then my tool, but i just compressed 5 separate Javascript files and 4 of them wouldn't function anymore.

The one i use is conservative, which means it doesn't modify the variable names. Bananascript modifies long variables to single character and if something else relies on that variable name your code won't work.

Example my compressed code:
if(!window.console||!console.firebug){window.console={};var names=["log","debug","info","warn","error","assert","dir","dirxml","group","groupEnd","time","timeEnd","count","trace","profile","profileEnd"];for(var i=0;i<names.length;++i)window.console[names[i]]=function(){};}if(typeof YAHOO=="undefined"){function null_event(){this.fire=function(){};this.subscribe=function(){};};}var SESSIONURL=(typeof(SESSIONURL)=="undefined"?"":SESSIONURL);var vbphrase=(typeof(vbphrase)==

Bananascript compressed code:
O="return functi;var typestren.proto.lgthindexnew ;}){.replacRegExptobjtextis_seurAgtvB_PHP=on(atorif(in_Emuldocum.Of(thissta')undefewdow.matchelforarArray(!=-1)Strgfale(levbphrahay~cklgth(Z',,'@t.„ms.„(v… i.sub	html~rtag.toLowe›rCa(quote.;}}on•vb„m.i¢mÅ¡e~mregex	=	Å evmenavig.pad

As you can see Banascript changes the source, but mine doesn't alter your code just compresses it.
I have blinking blue text when writing in the WYSWYG Editor for the DownloadsII mod after applying this...lol...

vB 3.7.0 Gold & DownloadsII 5.0.8
Doesn't seem to work or me. I tried to minify the global.js but then none of my javascript functions worked anymore :-(
I can't decide whether to use it or not. But I might be able to trust it. ;)

Well, I guess I'll just have to make a backup of my whole forum first, but thanks anyway. It might/might not help. :o
This sccript stops some things from working..like how you could edit the title of a thread by double clicking outside the thread.. like near the title..it'll become editable.. it no longer does once you install this and some other forum functions are disabled by this script....i know what its doing..im pretty good with hacking and editing vbulletin and php code in general..it just disables some "live" editing options that takes up resources... it DOES work in cutting down b/w and resources..dont get me wrong but it does this by disabling some functions of vbulletin..thats what its doing..

Its no diffrent then when you tweak your OS or something in Services panel.. as in typing Servcies in Run in XP or typing serves in START Seach in Vista.. then disabling things that start up automatically when windows boots up..same basic thing, really

This is definately no longer for me...