Special Post Counter


New Member
Special Post Counter (SPC) adds a extra post counter in postbit. This new counter adds or remove post made in specified forums.
For example, all post made in OffTopic forums go to a OffTopic Post counter instead the regular one. In that way users don't need to flood forums for win post and can keep track of their stats in that section instead of disabling post count for that forum.
This hack only add a new counter for all specified forums one like. Not multiple counters for multiple forums.

What does include and count this hack:
Post Reply
New Thread
Delete Post/Thread
Restore Post/Thread
Moderate Post/Thread
Inline moderation actions including above ones

What does not include and count this hack (in order of difficulty):
  1. Show in other sections different as Show Thread
  2. AdminCP controls for search of modify
  3. Rebuild post counter
  4. Move Post/Thread
  5. Search by special posts exclusively
  6. Merge/Unmerge Post/Thread
Planed add some features listed above in future (show in other sections, rebuild post counter, admincp controls) but others are a little complex to implement (merge/search/move).
Because vBulletin have hardcoded the post counter instances, multiple file edits are required.
They have resumed them into 12 instances in 4 files. Basically all edits are adding a spc count exception.

Version History
- Initial release in 3.7

Import product-spc_post.xml
Follow file edit instructions in attachment


New Member
Very cool, i need it.