**SOLVED** How to hide a button


Hi,<br />
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How can I hide a button?<br />
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<input type="button" name="submit" value="Get Cookie" onClick="return readCookie()"><br />
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I need it be hidden as it calls the function but I am using a VB event to fire it.<br />
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Sorry, it was obvious!!<br />
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<Input type="hidden"><!--content-->stupid :p :p :p :p<!--content-->Below is the javascript function i use in my login box. when i hit the enter key it wont log me in. Can someone tell me how i can modify this script to login using the enter key but still use the image as the button??<br />
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<a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"JavaScript: Login();"><br />
<img src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"http://www.freewebs.com/dash1234567890/Jims%20files/Pictures/dash1.jpg" border="0" alt="Login"></a><br />
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Thanks Webmaster,Dash Inc.<br />
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Jim Johnson<!--content-->Don't hijack a thread. Start a new one with your question and in this case I'd recommend you start it in the Javascript forum.<!--content-->