[Solution] Change from VaguHost to Burst.Net! RIGHT NOW!


New Member

If you are a current client of VaguHost you would like to hear this:


Due to ongoing issues with this reseller, we are accepting transfer of these servers directly. Once the service is transferred directly to us, all of your issues should cease, and you will have the peace of mind that stable and secure service will follow.

Please follow the instructions provided below, in order for the account transfers to go smoothly:
Client抯 Responsibility:
The client/end-user must place an order for the service, using the \"Custom Quote\" order form located at: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://secure.burst.net/orders/db/custom/form.shtml">https://secure.burst.net/orders/db/custom/form.shtml</a><!-- m -->

-- In the comments/notes section of the form, they should make mention to \"transfer the service ownership of previously existing service from reseller\". Also, please include the reason for the transfer, and provide the reseller抯 name, company, address, and anything else that would help to identify your reseller.

IMPORTANT: In order for us to verify that the server/service in question is indeed yours, we need you to provide the current root password to the server. We will test this password, the reset it to a new one (to ensure that the ex-reseller does not gain access...) and send you out a welcome letter with the new access information.

NOTE: Your IP address(es) should not change, and even if the server/service is no longer active, most likely the ethernet cable has just been pulled out as of this time.

IMPORTANT: In order for us to know that you are a legitimate end-user, and your intentions are honorable, we require payment be made for the first month of service prior to the service being re-activated. Please follow the instructions during the ordering process to complete this...

NOTE: BurstNET will be invoicing your server/service based on lowest currently available pricing offered, without setup fees (since the service is already active). BurstNET does not match the reseller's pricing in these situations, as we have no control over setting such, nor any way to authenticate/document such claims. Our resellers also often sell service at, or below, cost, in order to build up their name/reputation---and we cannot be expected to do the same. Our pricing is typically the lowest in the industry, so this should not be a problem... :-)


We sincerely hope that you continue to utilize our service, and can assure you that you will be happy once that you do switch directly to us. We do sympathize with your situation..and that is why we are attempting to make it as simple as possible for you to complete this transfer procedure.

We thank you for your past business, and hope that you continue to allow us to service your hosting needs!

Shawn A.
BurstNET?br />

BurstNET?- an INC500?Company

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To place an order, or for more info, contact;
BurstNET Technologies, Inc.?- BurstNET?br />
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All Rights Reserved.

That is what I have received when I was one their clients.

VaguHost is scam, so here is the solution.

=)You did well to pass on this information :)Is asking for the root password really the only way to ensure ownership?Is asking for the root password really the only way to ensure ownership?

You have to provide all the information as you can, but root password I think is the main important.Just so I understand this, is this for Vaguhost only or any Burst reseller?If I have a server with another reseller or if I were a reseller myself (other than Vaguhost) this is still an option?Since the notification begins, "Due to ongoing issues with this reseller," I'd assume it has only to do with this reseller. ;)Of course, if you have an issue with a different BurstNET reseller, you might want to contact BurstNET directly.@CoolraulAFAICS - it should apply to Vaguhost - quoted from the OP's message "Due to ongoing issues with this reseller".EDIT: SW got here before me :(... got here before me :(And here I thought I've been in s l o w mode lately. :blush:ok so where is VAGU-Jeff now is my question? Why hasn't he come on here with somemore of his excuses to refute this like he usually does? According to a previous post of his in another thread he said his company is going to be a lot better now so my question is were is VAGU-Jeff now? I would love as I am sure all others as well would too , would just love for him to post a response in here but I'm thinking he isn't going too since Burst finally has issued all of his customers out options cause of his BS.