SocialForums to 'vB 3.8 Social Group Discussions' Converter


New Member
This converter tool migrates forums created with the vB 3.7 social forums mod to the new vB 3.8 social group discussion feature. What it does is basically to copy the posts from one database table to another.

de-activate the social forums mod (do not uninstall it!)

upload the directory in the attached zip file to your vbulletin installation

edit your database details in includes/database.php

call migrate_main.php in your browser.

Use at your own risk, don't forget to backup your forum's database before running the converter.

The tool is currently not working for vB databases using prefixes. This will be fixed with the next release.

The social forums won't be deleted with this script, you will have to do this manually, or just hide them after migration.

Neither stickies or polls can be converted as social group discussions.

1.00 BETA, 27th November 2008
- Initial release