Hello, Please tell me how can I bookmarked my website to increase traffic ?You should first get hold of a good list of bookmarking sites (vmoptions.com) has a list. You should prepare your title, URL, description and keywords for the page you want to bookmark.Bookmarking works best for interesting news, stories, top 10 lists and link bait type of pages.Malikwaqas wrote
igg.com works well...........just set up an account and then submit. Yes, make sure you have some good content to share.You may visit onlywire.com here you can get some social bookmarking sites list.Then make email ID,and title,description,keywords of your.After that create your own account.When your sign up is completed ,login your profile and go to the add bookmark option.First of all search a list of good social bookmarking sites and then submit daily new stories and news with unique and interesting content.Have na informative information about your site content , the fresher and informative the better....I recommend digg.com for increase your trafficFor social book submission try this top 500 list:http://forum.vbulletinsetup.com/f7/over ... -3548.htmlMalikwaqas wrote
on't focus too much on social bookmarking, instead explore the whole Social Media networksMalikwaqas wrote:social bookmarkings will increase your traffic while other social site will increase your market sales.Put up a free social bookmarking script on your pages. Assuming you have interesting content, your visitors will do the work for you. If you don't have interesting content, submitting your pages yourself is only spamming the social bookmarking sites (these are "social" bookmarking sites, after all).My brother and I created a free social bookmarking script you can add to your pages if you wish:http://www.seo-writer.com/tools/bookmarker.phpi book mark my site with digg and nothing happen in last few months.