Site postion for my kewords


New Member
Are there any free tools to know the postion of my keywords in google.for example my keywords are 'your name' and the site is http://www.yourname.comif i type your name on google my site is at 346 position. for ther sites of mine i have to check each and everypage to search for my site. how can we do it? preferably with a free tool.Google Webmaster ToolsYou really need to build backlinks for your website.karmadir wrote:Optimize your website for getting ranking on desired keyword and we don't rely on tools so I prefer manually checking of rankings.Manual checking of the SERPS is always the best option because even the Google Webmaster Tools are not that accurate when it comes checking the daily rankings.Google webmaster tool is the best.I have been using free position checker at webtoolhub to find the position for my sites for my chosen keywords. It tells your position in US, Canada and UK I think. I believe it is free also.Hey try with Google web master tool or Web master tool kit.Or install SEo quake tool bar on your browser that displays all the information like pagfe rank,no of back links,alexa rank etc on your browser..There are a lt of services available but i prefer Google webmaster tools
To rank the keywords in the search engine it takes 3 to 6 months so to check the keywords it is better to check with search engine and one more option while checking the keywords in the browser there is an option to increase to show the search results up to 100 positions if you use that it will be easy for you