Server? (You wona make your own?)


New Member
Well, like the title says, i have been searching for a way to make a server from your old PC!. So here are some links..

Like this is good as you could install XAMPP and have it just for localhost and then you can have a vbulletin forum on there then add all the mods and then see what it looks like, or use it for ripping skins. Well i will be making e own server soon. Its not easy, I have a old PC!, I will post some pics one i finished it :).
Ya, i am running Wamp, and i do have localhost/vB as a forum site where i test mods/styles :D its pretty good thing to have, if you wanna see what specific mod does etc.. but.. as fast as i concerned, you should NEVER make that server go live.. IF that server goes live, you will get cops on yo ass in less then 2 days.. Because of the IP that your server have ;) its very easy to trace IPs ;) And you will be even in more ~censored~ if you will be hosting porn/warez on your server xD .. So be careful with the server =/
Its for localhost only =/
Yer, thats what i mean. I am going to have 2 PC's, one for live server one for the thing you do & for making my OS system.
Error 404 said:
Ya, i am running Wamp, and i do have localhost/vB as a forum site where i test mods/styles :D its pretty good thing to have, if you wanna see what specific mod does etc.. but.. as fast as i concerned, you should NEVER make that server go live.. IF that server goes live, you will get cops on yo ass in less then 2 days.. Because of the IP that your server have ;) its very easy to trace IPs ;) And you will be even in more ~censored~ if you will be hosting porn/warez on your server xD .. So be careful with the server =/
Its for localhost only =/

um i have a couple of questions if its ok.
1st what is wamp? im looking at the website now for the new wampserver 2,is this an op system? or do you still need to run either linux or win2003?
i use win2003 & plesk, running a triple core amd phenom,4 gigs of ram using.

2nd question.
what do mean putting online will have the cops at ur door? im in canada, i use a enterprise edition of win2003,i been online for few years now with same copy,and just got into vb in the past few monthes,,i dont pay for nothing,only help.
is this comment for ppls in usa? cause i never had any cops come in canada,,but if they did,,i would the delete partition long before i opened the door,,as i offsite backup everything i do,,i wouldnt be losing much work. :-)
1) - Check that

2) If someone will report your vB that you run on your computer, it will be added to the vB Piracy Database, and your Website/IP will be checked very soon ;) and if they find that you are running nulled copy, they will try to shut you down, as you hosting for yourself ;)
BTW, if you have an old machine, or one you don't use, and you want to use it as a webserver/firewall/whatever, then don't use winshit for it!

linux guys... linux!
thats awesome info guys.
what would be the first sign they gonna shut me down?
as for the linux, ill get that cent os downloaded and running of another drive.
i just never played with linux before.. time to learn.
ty for all ur help guys.
i really like this site,,i been all over it reading and downloading and checking new things out,,seems vb is the way togo for a forum/website,,i like it alot.
thanx man,,
im downloading this one now,and got cent os last night a complete 4.6gig dvd version.
ill just partition the drive and try both on a dual boot.
If you just want to have vBulletin on localhost, then i highly advise you to use J!SAS. (Joomla! Stand alone Server). Its quite good i use it ;).