[SEO Score] Whois.sc any good?


New Member

Anyone scored above 90% on domaintools.com's SEO Score? Well, it seems good, they provide good tools for others, like meta relevance, terms, images, links with outbound/inbound details and overall score, etc. There's also a SEO Browser, have never got it to good use ever. So is it good for us? Yes, it is, indeed. But good for their business? Not sure, they are trying to drive wannabe SEO experts to their site, maybe they could achieve far more for their own related business and have another websitetools.com (if available).

All good, as far it seems to be though. Still it makes sense, they are unable to take next leap in their business, change of their domain was a big SEO drop for themselves, maybe, yet new domain made more sense.

Ending up, maybe those might not be the same views as you have in your minds. Moreover, personal use matters at analysis of such stuff. What are you views?


Gurpartap Singh I'm not sure if they are spot on with it but I do agree, they seem to pick out the strong points. I use their scale for my clients and compare them to sites like CNN.com and ESPN.com vs. clients existing sites. I think if you can create a baseline off of other existing sites, it will give you a better idea of where yours is. nice tools set