Sendmail Logs


I have written a perl cgi script which sends emails to multiple recipients. The script works perfectly on a development server at my location, but when running it on the TCH server, only one recipient (whoever that happens to be) receives the email. <br /><br />To make sure that the script was working on the TCH server, I decided to write the output to a file instead of to sendmail and examine the results. Lo and behold the file contained multiple copies of the email to all of the recipients that should have received the email. <br /><br />This leads me to suspect some weirdness is going on with sendmail. Is there anyway to view the sendmail logs? Anyone have any ideas that might resolve this?<br /><br />Thanks in advance<!--content-->
Please open a tcket with the help desk. Only the techs can view the logs. The moderators are volunteers and don't have access to the servers or your account.<!--content-->