Selling a domain name? Need some advice


New Member
Hello, we were approached to sell a domain name recently. The company that wants the domain wants it because it has a spelling that is close to their domain name that they currently use. It would appear that everyone seems to mis-spell their domain name and the mis-spelling happens to be the domain we have. Now we do not use this domain. It is a domain that a customer of ours had who stiffed us on a bill. We are in control of and own the domain and the previous owner is no where to be found. He owes us money as I mentioned. So in the talks with this company I mentioned that I would like to get at least what is owed to us.

So is this fair? The customer's outstanding bill is around 200 bucks, and the person who wants the domain offered around 200 bucks. It is a good way to get my money back that this customer stiffed me on, but I always wonder if it is worth more?

Anyone? Thanx..